Certain of the uploaded items date back to the nineteenth century or earlier, and users of the site are alerted to the fact that some make use of terminology and naming conventions that may be offensive.
Andrew Smith and Natal
Percival, R. Kirby
Etudes sur la langue sechuana
Eugene Casalis
The records of South Eastern Africa. Collected in Various Libraries and Archive Departments in Europe, vol. 1
Theal, George McCall
Travels in Southern Africa, in the years 1803, 1804, 1805 and 1806
Lichtenstein, Henry
Zulu Bird Names and Bird Lore (index)
Koopman, Adrian
Zulu plant names
Koopman, Adrian
Ku Mhleli weLanga
Fuze, Magema M.
Sapumapi Tina? Ukuhlazulula Uhlanga.
Fuze, Magema M.
Ukuhlasela kwabelungu kwaZulu ngo 1879
Fuze, Magema M.
History of the Zulus. 17, The story of the neighbouring clans - The Tongas. IV
Bryant, Alfred Thomas
History of the Zulus. 7. Discovery of the Bantu - by the Portuguese.
Bryant, Alfred Thomas
History of the Zulus. 9. The advent of the Dutch in South Africa. II
Bryant, Alfred Thomas
History of the Zulus. 12. Origin of the clans
Bryant, Alfred Thomas
History of the Zulus. 17. The story of the Zulu K***r clans.
Bryant, Alfred Thomas
History of the Zulus. 17. The story of the Zulu K***r clans. (Continued) V.
Bryant, Alfred Thomas
Imiteto yokupila. Izifo III.
Bryant, Alfred Thomas
Imiteto yenkambo neyentliziyo
Bryant, Alfred Thomas
Umzimba wethu: Okufanele umntu akugonde ngawo
Bryant, Alfred Thomas
Results 261 to 280 of 484