Certain of the uploaded items date back to the nineteenth century or earlier, and users of the site are alerted to the fact that some make use of terminology and naming conventions that may be offensive.
Voyage dans l'Afrique Australe
Delegorgue, Adulphe
Ilanga LaseNatal Typescripts
Impendulo ngo Nongqause
Philip, W.M.
The Tale of Nongqawuse
Jordan, Archibald Campbell
Stuart, James
The last Zulu King: the life and death of Cetshwayo
Binns, Charles Theodore
A History of the Zulu and Neighbouring Tribes
Bryant, Alfred Thomas
The Diary of Henry Francis Fynn
Fynn, Henry., Malcolm, D. M. K., Stuart, James
Zulu References for Interpreters and Students
Faye, Carl
The Diary of the Rev. Francis Owen, (MA): Missionary with Dingaan in 1837-38
Owen, Francis., Hulley, Richard Brangan., Kirkman, Joseph., Cory, George Edward (Ed)
UDingiswayo Kajobe: (the Story of Dingiswayo-Zulu)
Vilakazi, Benedict Wallet
A Grammar of the [K-word] Language
Boyce, W. B.
A Concise English-[K-word] Dictionary
McLaren, J.
A Story of the Native Wars, by an Aged Fingo
Mhlanga, Platje
Isizwe SamaHlubi
AmaHlubi Royal House representatives
History of the AbaMbo Generally Known as Fingos
Ayliff, John and Whiteside, Joseph
Memoirs of Mrs. Anne Hodgson; Compiled from Materials Furnished by her Husband, The Rev. T.L. Hodgson. Comprising, also, an Account of the Commencement and Progress of the Wesleyan Mission Amongst the Griqua and Bechuana Tribes of Southern Africa
Shaw, William
A Memoir on the Civilization of the Tribes Inhabiting the Highlands near Dalagôa Bay
Cooley, William Desborough
Korte Geschiedenis van Zuid-Afrika: Van 1486 tot 1835
Theal, George McCall
Results 161 to 180 of 484