Certain of the uploaded items date back to the nineteenth century or earlier, and users of the site are alerted to the fact that some make use of terminology and naming conventions that may be offensive.
Journal of the Rev. George Champion, American Missionary in Zululand, 1835–9
Champion, George
Dhlomo, Rolfes Robert Reginald
UMpande kaSenzangakhona
Dhlomo, Rolfes Robert Reginald
"Colonial Rites: Custom, Marriage Law and the Making of difference in Natal, 1830s - c.1910"
Sheik, Nafisa Essop
Cronin, Mike
"A general ethnographic survery of the Bhaca (East Griqualand)."
Hammond-Tooke, W. D.
"The nature and significance of bride wealth among the South African Bantu."
Hammond-Tooke, W. D.
19th century glass trade beads. From two Zulu royal residences.
Seitowitz, Sharma. J
Narrative of an Exploratory Tour to the Nort-East of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope. By the Revs. T. Arbousset and F. Daumas, of the Paris Missionary Society
Arbousset, Thomas and Brown, John Crumbie
The Basutos; or Twenty-three Years in South Africa
Casalis, Eugène
Journal des Missions évangéliques, huitième année, 4° Livraison, 15 April 1833
Société des Missions évangéliques de Paris
Journal des Missions évangéliques, onzième année, 1836
Société des Missions évangéliques de Paris
Zulu medicine and medicine - men
Bryant, A. T.
Travels and adventures in Southern Africa
Thompson, George
Zulu Simplified: Being a New, Practical, and Easy Method of Learning the Zulu Language
Mayr, Franz
Zulu-land; or, life among the Zulu - Kafirs of Natal and Zulu-land, South Africa. With map, and illustrations, largely from original photographs
Grout, Lewis
The wider KwaZulu - Natal region circa 1700 to the onset of colonialism: A critical essay on sources and historiography
Fagan, Henry Allan
Forging the blades. A tale of the Zulu rebellion
Mitford, Bertram
John Ames, native commissioner. A Romance of the Matabele rising, etc
Mitford, Bertram
Sketches representing the native tribes, animals, and scenery of Southern Africa
Daniell, William