Mostrar 395 resultados

Registo de autoridade

Mkehlengana ka Zulu

  • Pessoa singular
  • c.1851 - July 1906

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017, using KCAL materials: Mkehlengana kaZulu was chief of the Qwabe people in the Alexandra division. He wore headrings. His father Zulu kaNogandaya was a well-known warrior in Shaka's time. He was interviewed by James Stuart in 1905. He was roughly 54 years old when he was interviewed by Stuart. He died in 1906.]

Mkotana ka Zulu

  • Pessoa singular
  • c.1835 - YYYY

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017, using KCAL materials: Mkotana kaZulu was born in roughly 1834 - 1836. He was a kolwa at Mahlongwa and lived at the Imfume mission station. His father Zulu kaNogandaya was a well-known warrior in Shaka's time. He was interviewed by James Stuart in 1905.]

Mpambukelwa ka Cangasa

  • Pessoa singular
  • [18-?] - YYYY

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017, using KCAL materials: At this time the FHYA has not been able to locate biographical information about Mpambukelwa kaCangasa. He was interviewed by James Stuart in 1914.]

Mpatshana ka Sodondo

  • Pessoa singular
  • [18-?] - YYYY

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017, using KCAL materials: Mpatshana kaSodondo was a member of the Manxele people and lived in Somkele's district. He was originally a part of the Uve regiment but was incorporated into the Ngobamakosi regiment. He worked as a messenger with Mr. J. F. Clark. He was interviewed by James Stuart in 1912.]

Mqaikana ka Yenge

  • Pessoa singular
  • c.1830 - YYYY

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017, using KCAL materials: Mqaikana (alias Tomu) kaYenge was a member of the Zondi people. He was most likely born in 1830 or 1831, at eMrolweni. He was interviewed by James Stuart in 1916.]

Msimango, Ezra

  • Pessoa singular
  • [18-?] - YYYY

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017, using KCAL materials: Ezra Msimango's brother was Daniel Msimango and his father was Mark Msimango. He was interviewed by James Stuart in 1900.]

Ndabankulu ka Qubabanye

  • Pessoa singular
  • 1857 - YYYY

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017, using KCAL materials: Ndabankulu kaQubabanye was born in 1857 and was a part of the Emayakeni people of the Gumede people of Cibi. He was interviewed by James Stuart in 1919.]

Ndhlovu ka Timuni

  • Pessoa singular
  • 1858 - YYYY

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017, using KCAL materials: Ndhlovu kaTimuni was chief of the Zulu people in the Mapumulo division. He was interviewed by James Stuart in 1902, 1903, and 1919. He was about 43 - 45 years old when he was first interviewed by Stuart.]

Nembula, Norman

  • Pessoa singular
  • [18-?] - YYYY

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017, using KCAL materials: At this time the FHYA has not been able to locate biographical information about Norman Nembula. He was interviewed by James Stuart in 1905 and 1907.]

Ngangezwe ka Nomsimekwana

  • Pessoa singular
  • [18-?] - YYYY

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017, using KCAL materials: Ngangezwe kaNomsimekwana was chief of either the Coseli or Nyamvu people in the Umgeni division. He was interviewed by James Stuart in 1899.]

Nhlekele ka Makana

  • Pessoa singular
  • [18-?] - YYYY

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017, using KCAL materials: Nhlekele kaMakana was a member of the emaCambini people. He was Sokwetshata's chief induna.He was interviewed by James Stuart in 1907. He was interviewed multiple times, and at least one of these interviews took place at Eshowe.]

Nkuku ka Cangasa

  • Pessoa singular
  • [18-?] - YYYY

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017, using KCAL materials: Nkuku kaCangasa was a member of the Nkwanyana offshoot of the Mpanza people. He was interviewed by James Stuart in 1914.]


  • Pessoa singular
  • [18-?] - YYYY

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017, using KCAL materials: Nombango (alias Topsy) was born in Mpande's umbango. She was Dhlozi kaLanga's wife. She was interviewed by James Stuart in 1903.]

Pindulimi ka Matshekana

  • Pessoa singular
  • [18-?] - YYYY

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017, using KCAL materials: Pindulimi kaMatshekana He was a member of the Nzuza people and a part of the Felapakati regiment. He worked for a time for a builder, Macalister, in Pietermaritzburg. He was interviewed by James Stuart in 1918.]

Rangu ka Notshiya

  • Pessoa singular
  • [18-?] - YYYY

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017, using KCAL materials: At this time the FHYA has not been able to locate biographical information about Rangu kaNotshiya. He was interviewed by James Stuart in 1899 at Stanger.]

Riddell, Mr

  • Pessoa singular
  • [18-?] - YYYY

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017, using KCAL materials: Mr. Riddell was was a tailor who lived in Ladysmith. He was interviewed by James Stuart in 1900.]


  • Pessoa singular
  • [18-?] - YYYY

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017, using KCAL materials: At this time the FHYA has not been able to locate biographical information about Sibindi. He was interviewed by James Stuart in 1897.]

Sijewana ka Mjanyelwa

  • Pessoa singular
  • c.1821 - YYYY

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017, using KCAL materials: Sijewana kaMjanyelwa was a member of the Ndabakawombe regiment and belonged to the Cele people. He was interviewed by James Stuart in 1899. He was interviewed multiple times at Stanger. He was roughly 78 years old when he was interviewed by Stuart.]

Sipika ka Vundisa

  • Pessoa singular
  • [18-?] - YYYY

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017, using KCAL materials: Sipika kaVundisa was a member of the Zuma people (isitakazelo), of the Nxamalala people. His grandfather Msholoza(i) was chief of the Zuma or Nxamalala people. He was interviewed by James Stuart in 1918.]

Socwatsha ka Papu

  • Pessoa singular
  • [18-?] - YYYY

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017, using KCAL materials: Socwatsha kaPapu was a member of the amaLala people. His father lived at oBadaneni, one of Tshaka's kraals. He grew up and was married at oZwathini. He may have worked as a migrant labourer in the 1870s. He was able to acquire land with his brother under the official auspices in the old Ngongoma country near the Nsuze River, and re-establish their homesteads close to the graves of their ancestral chiefs. He was interviewed by James Stuart in 1897, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1904, 1905 1906, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1916, and 1921. He was interviewed multiple times. At least one of these interviews took place at Silverton Road in Durban, at least one of them took place at the Native Affairs Department in Pietermaritzburg, at least one of them took place at 34 Loop Street in Pietermaritzburg, and at least two of these interviews took place at High Brae (Stuart's home in Hilton, near Pietermaritzburg).]

Resultados 201 a 220 de 395