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Description archivistique
Udo Horstmann Série
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FHYA selection from Horstmann Series

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA using materials provided by Nessa Leibhammer, 2018: In 1992, Udo Horstmann sold 26 objects from southern African to the Johannesburg Art Gallery, donating a further 67 items as part of the transaction. A few years later, he further donated a number of other items to JAG. The FHYA selection of the items within the Horstmann Collection was made by Nessa Leibhammer, who curated the Traditional Collections from 1994 to 1996, and then again from 2005 to 2013. This selection contains 8 items, and their associated material, which Leibhammer identified as probably dating to the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, and as coming from the FHYA target area of KwaZulu-Natal and immediately adjacent regions. Leibhammer further selected items within these criteria for which images were readily available.]