- NU0039457
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- 2016 -
Part of FHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
251 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
Part of FHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
uMatilika and associated items
Part of FHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017: File contains organic plant matter identified by Kevin Carnie-Thompson for FHYA using Bews Herbarium material as uMatilika/Rhynchosia caribaea, photographed together with it's accompanying label, catalogue card, 10cm scale bar and a colour reference grid.]
Part of FHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
Part of FHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017: File contains organic plant matter identified by Kevin Carnie-Thompson for FHYA using Bews Herbarium material as iSiqunga/Andropogon marginatus, photographed together with it's accompanying label, catalogue card, 10cm scale bar and a colour reference grid.]
Part of FHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
iNkondhlwane and associated items
Part of FHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017: File contains organic plant matter identified by Kevin Carnie-Thompson for FHYA using Bews Herbarium material as iNkondhlwane/Sopubia cana, photographed together with it's accompanying label, catalogue card, 10cm scale bar and a colour reference grid.]
Part of FHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
uMkipambedu and associated items
Part of FHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017: File contains organic plant matter identified by Kevin Carnie-Thompson for FHYA using Bews Herbarium material as uMkipambedu/Indigofera arrecta, photographed together with it's accompanying label, catalogue card, 10cm scale bar and a colour reference grid.]
Part of FHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
iQabekulu and associated items
Part of FHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017: File contains organic plant matter identified by Kevin Carnie-Thompson for FHYA using Bews Herbarium material as iQabekulu/Becium obovatum, photographed together with it's accompanying label, catalogue card, 10cm scale bar and a colour reference grid.]
Part of FHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
Part of FHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017: File contains organic plant matter identified by Kevin Carnie-Thompson for FHYA using Bews Herbarium material as iKumalo/Cassinopsis ilicifolia, photographed together with it's accompanying label, catalogue card, 10cm scale bar and a colour reference grid.]
Part of FHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
Part of FHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017: File contains organic plant matter identified by Kevin Carnie-Thompson for FHYA using Bews Herbarium material as uMdakane/Apodytes dimidiata, photographed together with it's accompanying label, catalogue card, 10cm scale bar and a colour reference grid.]
Part of FHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
Part of FHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017: File contains organic plant matter identified by Kevin Carnie-Thompson for FHYA using Bews Herbarium material as iNzikane/having No attribution, photographed together with it's accompanying label, catalogue card, 10cm scale bar and a colour reference grid.]
Part of FHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
FHYA collation of the Father Franz Mayr Collection
Part of FHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2018, using material provided by Kevin Carney-Thompson: The plant matter and accompanying material (labels and catalogue cards) were photographed together in a single image by the Herbarium. They have been presented by the FHYA as single digital items within files.The material is gathered together on the FHYA website as a ‘series’ named the ‘Father Franz Mayr Collection’. Alongside the scanned and barcoded Mayr ethnobotanical specimens, the Herbarium also includes a 10cm scale bar and a colour reference grid, photographed together with it's accompanying label, catalogue card, 10cm scale bar and a colour reference grid.]
FHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
[Source - Carolyn Hamilton for the FHYA, 2018: The FHYA selected the entire Mayr botanical collection for digitisation, including all labels and relevant institutional materials.]