Envelope Cover Adicionar à área de transferência Item 2016 - Parte de FHYA curation of selected materials pertinent to Alfred Cort Haddon’s trip with the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) to South Africa in 1905, from the Department of Manuscripts and Archives at the Cambridge University Library
Stow Map Adicionar à área de transferência Item 2016 - Parte de FHYA curation of selected materials pertinent to Alfred Cort Haddon’s trip with the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) to South Africa in 1905, from the Department of Manuscripts and Archives at the Cambridge University Library
File cover Adicionar à área de transferência Item 2016 - Parte de FHYA curation of selected materials pertinent to Alfred Cort Haddon’s trip with the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) to South Africa in 1905, from the Department of Manuscripts and Archives at the Cambridge University Library
BAAS Address by Haddon Adicionar à área de transferência Item 2016 - Parte de FHYA curation of selected materials pertinent to Alfred Cort Haddon’s trip with the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) to South Africa in 1905, from the Department of Manuscripts and Archives at the Cambridge University Library
Ad for Bryant’s Zulu-English Dictionary Adicionar à área de transferência Item 2016 - Parte de FHYA curation of selected materials pertinent to Alfred Cort Haddon’s trip with the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) to South Africa in 1905, from the Department of Manuscripts and Archives at the Cambridge University Library
Ad for Bryant’s Zulu-English Dictionary Adicionar à área de transferência Item 2016 - Parte de FHYA curation of selected materials pertinent to Alfred Cort Haddon’s trip with the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) to South Africa in 1905, from the Department of Manuscripts and Archives at the Cambridge University Library
Haddon note about Robert Du Bois Adicionar à área de transferência Item 2016 - Parte de FHYA curation of selected materials pertinent to Alfred Cort Haddon’s trip with the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) to South Africa in 1905, from the Department of Manuscripts and Archives at the Cambridge University Library
Letter D. R. Haddon to A. C. Haddon Adicionar à área de transferência Item 2016 - Parte de FHYA curation of selected materials pertinent to Alfred Cort Haddon’s trip with the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) to South Africa in 1905, from the Department of Manuscripts and Archives at the Cambridge University Library
Note J. L. Bleek to Haddon Adicionar à área de transferência Item 2016 - Parte de FHYA curation of selected materials pertinent to Alfred Cort Haddon’s trip with the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) to South Africa in 1905, from the Department of Manuscripts and Archives at the Cambridge University Library
List of Books on South Africa T. Fisher Unwin Adicionar à área de transferência Item 2016 - Parte de FHYA curation of selected materials pertinent to Alfred Cort Haddon’s trip with the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) to South Africa in 1905, from the Department of Manuscripts and Archives at the Cambridge University Library
Haddon notes for speech thanking Samuelson, Stuart, and Lugg Adicionar à área de transferência Item 2016 - Parte de FHYA curation of selected materials pertinent to Alfred Cort Haddon’s trip with the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) to South Africa in 1905, from the Department of Manuscripts and Archives at the Cambridge University Library
Envelope cover Adicionar à área de transferência Item 2016 - Parte de FHYA curation of selected materials pertinent to Alfred Cort Haddon’s trip with the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) to South Africa in 1905, from the Department of Manuscripts and Archives at the Cambridge University Library
Letter H. Balfour to A. C. Haddon Adicionar à área de transferência Item 2016 - Parte de FHYA curation of selected materials pertinent to Alfred Cort Haddon’s trip with the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) to South Africa in 1905, from the Department of Manuscripts and Archives at the Cambridge University Library
Newspaper clipping ‘Pursuit of Bambata,’ The Tribune Adicionar à área de transferência Item 2016 - Parte de FHYA curation of selected materials pertinent to Alfred Cort Haddon’s trip with the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) to South Africa in 1905, from the Department of Manuscripts and Archives at the Cambridge University Library
Newspaper clipping ‘Imperial Responsibility,' The Tribune Adicionar à área de transferência Item 2016 - Parte de FHYA curation of selected materials pertinent to Alfred Cort Haddon’s trip with the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) to South Africa in 1905, from the Department of Manuscripts and Archives at the Cambridge University Library
Envelope cover Adicionar à área de transferência Item 2016 - Parte de FHYA curation of selected materials pertinent to Alfred Cort Haddon’s trip with the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) to South Africa in 1905, from the Department of Manuscripts and Archives at the Cambridge University Library
‘Lantern Slides, S Africa’ Adicionar à área de transferência Item 2016 - Parte de FHYA curation of selected materials pertinent to Alfred Cort Haddon’s trip with the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) to South Africa in 1905, from the Department of Manuscripts and Archives at the Cambridge University Library
Haddon Notebook Adicionar à área de transferência Item 2016 - Parte de FHYA curation of selected materials pertinent to Alfred Cort Haddon’s trip with the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) to South Africa in 1905, from the Department of Manuscripts and Archives at the Cambridge University Library
Box cover Adicionar à área de transferência Item 2016 - Parte de FHYA curation of selected materials pertinent to Alfred Cort Haddon’s trip with the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) to South Africa in 1905, from the Department of Manuscripts and Archives at the Cambridge University Library
File cover 'British Association visit to South Africa Vol. 2' Adicionar à área de transferência Item 2016 - Parte de FHYA curation of selected materials pertinent to Alfred Cort Haddon’s trip with the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) to South Africa in 1905, from the Department of Manuscripts and Archives at the Cambridge University Library