Newspaper report on BAAS outing to Henley Adicionar à área de transferência Item 2016 - Parte de FHYA curation of selected materials pertinent to Alfred Cort Haddon’s trip with the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) to South Africa in 1905, from the Department of Manuscripts and Archives at the Cambridge University Library
Letter Grout or Grant to Haddon Adicionar à área de transferência Item 2016 - Parte de FHYA curation of selected materials pertinent to Alfred Cort Haddon’s trip with the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) to South Africa in 1905, from the Department of Manuscripts and Archives at the Cambridge University Library
Haddon notes on SA general – maybe lecture notes Adicionar à área de transferência Item 2016 - Parte de FHYA curation of selected materials pertinent to Alfred Cort Haddon’s trip with the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) to South Africa in 1905, from the Department of Manuscripts and Archives at the Cambridge University Library
Letter James Stuart to Haddon Adicionar à área de transferência Item 2016 - Parte de FHYA curation of selected materials pertinent to Alfred Cort Haddon’s trip with the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) to South Africa in 1905, from the Department of Manuscripts and Archives at the Cambridge University Library
Possible list of slides for lecture with Belleair, Laduma, and Henley mentioned Adicionar à área de transferência Item 2016 - Parte de FHYA curation of selected materials pertinent to Alfred Cort Haddon’s trip with the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) to South Africa in 1905, from the Department of Manuscripts and Archives at the Cambridge University Library
Pamphlet for ‘Native Dance' at Henley Adicionar à área de transferência Item 2016 - Parte de FHYA curation of selected materials pertinent to Alfred Cort Haddon’s trip with the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) to South Africa in 1905, from the Department of Manuscripts and Archives at the Cambridge University Library
Invite from Dr & Mrs Ernest Warren to visit Natal Government Museum Adicionar à área de transferência Item 2016 - Parte de FHYA curation of selected materials pertinent to Alfred Cort Haddon’s trip with the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) to South Africa in 1905, from the Department of Manuscripts and Archives at the Cambridge University Library
Note with ‘Lugg’,'Zwaart kop’ and ‘Laduma Kraal’ jotted down Adicionar à área de transferência Item 2016 - Parte de FHYA curation of selected materials pertinent to Alfred Cort Haddon’s trip with the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) to South Africa in 1905, from the Department of Manuscripts and Archives at the Cambridge University Library
Special list of works for visitors to Natal Adicionar à área de transferência Item 2016 - Parte de FHYA curation of selected materials pertinent to Alfred Cort Haddon’s trip with the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) to South Africa in 1905, from the Department of Manuscripts and Archives at the Cambridge University Library
Haddon notes for speech Adicionar à área de transferência Item 2016 - Parte de FHYA curation of selected materials pertinent to Alfred Cort Haddon’s trip with the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) to South Africa in 1905, from the Department of Manuscripts and Archives at the Cambridge University Library
Report on the 1905 BAAS visit to SA Adicionar à área de transferência Item 2016 - Parte de FHYA curation of selected materials pertinent to Alfred Cort Haddon’s trip with the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) to South Africa in 1905, from the Department of Manuscripts and Archives at the Cambridge University Library
Newspaper clipping ‘Unrest in Natal’ Adicionar à área de transferência Item 2016 - Parte de FHYA curation of selected materials pertinent to Alfred Cort Haddon’s trip with the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) to South Africa in 1905, from the Department of Manuscripts and Archives at the Cambridge University Library
Newspaper clipping ‘The Government and the Chinese,' The Tribune Adicionar à área de transferência Item 2016 - Parte de FHYA curation of selected materials pertinent to Alfred Cort Haddon’s trip with the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) to South Africa in 1905, from the Department of Manuscripts and Archives at the Cambridge University Library
Newspaper clipping ‘Black, White, and Yellow - More about South African Slavery' by Arthur Balfour Adicionar à área de transferência Item 2016 - Parte de FHYA curation of selected materials pertinent to Alfred Cort Haddon’s trip with the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) to South Africa in 1905, from the Department of Manuscripts and Archives at the Cambridge University Library
Envelope cover Adicionar à área de transferência Item 2016 - Parte de FHYA curation of selected materials pertinent to Alfred Cort Haddon’s trip with the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) to South Africa in 1905, from the Department of Manuscripts and Archives at the Cambridge University Library
Ad for the Annals of the Natal Government Museum, Nature Adicionar à área de transferência Item 2016 - Parte de FHYA curation of selected materials pertinent to Alfred Cort Haddon’s trip with the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) to South Africa in 1905, from the Department of Manuscripts and Archives at the Cambridge University Library
Envelope cover Adicionar à área de transferência Item 2016 - Parte de FHYA curation of selected materials pertinent to Alfred Cort Haddon’s trip with the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) to South Africa in 1905, from the Department of Manuscripts and Archives at the Cambridge University Library
File cover 5017-5018 Adicionar à área de transferência Item 2016 - Parte de FHYA curation of selected materials pertinent to Alfred Cort Haddon’s trip with the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) to South Africa in 1905, from the Department of Manuscripts and Archives at the Cambridge University Library
Haddon’s ticket for the 75th BAAS Meeting in South Africa Adicionar à área de transferência Item 2016 - Parte de FHYA curation of selected materials pertinent to Alfred Cort Haddon’s trip with the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) to South Africa in 1905, from the Department of Manuscripts and Archives at the Cambridge University Library
Box cover Adicionar à área de transferência Item 2016 - Parte de FHYA curation of selected materials pertinent to Alfred Cort Haddon’s trip with the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) to South Africa in 1905, from the Department of Manuscripts and Archives at the Cambridge University Library