- NU0039194
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- 2016 -
Part of FHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
4704 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
Part of FHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
uBoqo omkulu and associated items
Part of FHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017: File contains organic plant matter identified by Kevin Carnie-Thompson for FHYA using Bews Herbarium material as uBoqo omkulu/Ipomoea crassipes, photographed together with it's accompanying label, catalogue card, 10cm scale bar and a colour reference grid.]
Part of FHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
uBobotshana and associated items
Part of FHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017: File contains organic plant matter identified by Kevin Carnie-Thompson for FHYA using Bews Herbarium material as uBobotshana/Cycnium, photographed together with it's accompanying label, catalogue card, 10cm scale bar and a colour reference grid.]
uBobotshana and associated items
Part of FHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017: File contains organic plant matter identified by Kevin Carnie-Thompson for FHYA using Bews Herbarium material as uBobotshana/Ajuga ophrydis, photographed together with it's accompanying label, catalogue card, 10cm scale bar and a colour reference grid.]
Part of FHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
Part of FHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
Part of FHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017: File contains organic plant matter identified by Kevin Carnie-Thompson for FHYA using Bews Herbarium material as uBilwazi/Senecio coronatus, photographed together with it's accompanying label, catalogue card, 10cm scale bar and a colour reference grid.]
Part of FHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
Part of FHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017: File contains organic plant matter identified by Kevin Carnie-Thompson for FHYA using Bews Herbarium material as uBendhle/Gazania linearis, photographed together with it's accompanying label, catalogue card, 10cm scale bar and a colour reference grid.]
Part of FHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
Part of FHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017: File contains organic plant matter identified by Kevin Carnie-Thompson for FHYA using Bews Herbarium material as uBane/Agapanthus campanulatus, photographed together with it's accompanying label, catalogue card, 10cm scale bar and a colour reference grid.]
Part of FHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017: File contains organic plant matter identified by Kevin Carnie-Thompson for FHYA using Bews Herbarium material as uBane/Agapanthus umbellatus, photographed together with it's accompanying label, catalogue card, 10cm scale bar and a colour reference grid.]
Part of FHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
Part of FHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
Part of FHYA curation of items derived from the James Stuart Papers at the Killie Campbell Africana Library
[Source - Debra Pryor for FHYA, 2019: Testimony by Tununu ka Nonjiya, recorded by James Stuart, and published in an edited volume by Colin de B. Webb and John Wright.]
Tununu ka Nonjiya - Interview and associated items
Part of FHYA curation of items derived from the James Stuart Papers at the Killie Campbell Africana Library
[Source - Carolyn Hamilton for FHYA, 2019: File contains a placeholder for photocopies of James Stuart's handwritten notes of his conversations with Tununu ka Nonjiya, with handwritten annotations by John Wright; the version published in an edited volume by Colin de B. Webb and John Wright; a placeholder for the Tununu ka Nonjiya, Hyperlinked Archival Research Tool; the Killie Campbell African Library's James Stuart Papers inventory; and John Wright's summary of the James Stuart Papers.]
Part of FHYA curation of items derived from the James Stuart Papers at the Killie Campbell Africana Library
[Source - Debra Pryor for FHYA, 2019: Testimony by Tshonkweni ka Mntungwana, recorded by James Stuart, and published in an edited volume by Colin de B. Webb and John Wright.]
Tshonkweni ka Mntungwana - Interview and associated items
Part of FHYA curation of items derived from the James Stuart Papers at the Killie Campbell Africana Library
[Source - Carolyn Hamilton for FHYA, 2019: File contains a placeholder for photocopies of James Stuart's handwritten notes of his conversations with Tshonkweni ka Mntungwana, with handwritten annotations by John Wright; the version published in an edited volume by Colin de B. Webb and John Wright; a placeholder for the Tshonkweni ka Mntungwana, Hyperlinked Archival Research Tool; the Killie Campbell African Library's James Stuart Papers inventory; and John Wright's summary of the James Stuart Papers.]