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Part of FHYA curation of a selection from the uMgungundlovu Archaeological Material at AMAFA
[Source - eThembeni Cultural Heritage Management for FHYA, 2016, using AMAFA materials: Hut Floor. B9.]
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Part of FHYA curation of a selection from the uMgungundlovu Archaeological Material at AMAFA
[Source - eThembeni Cultural Heritage Management for FHYA, 2016, using AMAFA materials: Hut Floor. B9.]
Part of FHYA curation of a selection from the uMgungundlovu Archaeological Material at AMAFA
[Source - eThembeni Cultural Heritage Management for FHYA, 2016, using AMAFA materials: Soil Samples. Y6.]
Part of FHYA curation of a selection from the uMgungundlovu Archaeological Material at AMAFA
[Source - eThembeni Cultural Heritage Management for FHYA, 2016, using AMAFA materials: Ceramic Sculpture. Y6.]
Part of FHYA curation of a selection from the uMgungundlovu Archaeological Material at AMAFA
[Source - eThembeni Cultural Heritage Management for FHYA, 2016, using AMAFA materials: Diagnostic & Undiagnostic Pottery. A4.]
Part of FHYA curation of a selection from the uMgungundlovu Archaeological Material at AMAFA
[Source - eThembeni Cultural Heritage Management for FHYA, 2016, using AMAFA materials: Soil Samples. Y6.]
Part of FHYA curation of a selection from the uMgungundlovu Archaeological Material at AMAFA
[Source - eThembeni Cultural Heritage Management for FHYA, 2016, using AMAFA materials: Hut Floor, Daga. A4, Y6.]
Part of FHYA curation of a selection from the uMgungundlovu Archaeological Material at AMAFA
[Source - eThembeni Cultural Heritage Management for FHYA, 2016, using AMAFA materials: Crucible (1, 19 & 17). A4.]
Part of FHYA curation of a selection from the uMgungundlovu Archaeological Material at AMAFA
[Source - eThembeni Cultural Heritage Management for FHYA, 2016, using AMAFA materials: Seed. D4.]
Part of FHYA curation of a selection from the Archaeological Collections at the KwaZulu-Natal Museum
[Source - eThembeni Cultural Heritage Management for FHYA, 2016, using KZNM materials: 16 bags of diagnostic bone.]
Part of FHYA curation of a selection from the Archaeological Collections at the KwaZulu-Natal Museum
[Source - eThembeni Cultural Heritage Management for FHYA, 2016, using KZNM materials: (BCD 678) Waste bone (layer 1C, 4C, 5 & 6C). 1 bag per layer.]
Part of FHYA curation of a selection from the Archaeological Collections at the KwaZulu-Natal Museum
[Source - eThembeni Cultural Heritage Management for FHYA, 2016, using KZNM materials: (HUT 35) Plain rims, 2 polished stones, porcelain, metal and stone (waste). (HUT 39) Grindstone from brewing pothole. (HUT 41) 3 sherds and broken grindstone. (HUT 43) Plain sherds and 3 ochered stones.]
Part of FHYA curation of a selection from the Archaeological Collections at the KwaZulu-Natal Museum
[Source - eThembeni Cultural Heritage Management for FHYA, 2016, using KZNM materials: China, glass, copper bangles, slag, Dagga pipe, iron, metal & grindstones.]
Part of FHYA curation of a selection from the Archaeological Collections at the KwaZulu-Natal Museum
[Source - eThembeni Cultural Heritage Management for FHYA, 2016, using KZNM materials: Hut floor fragments from various provenances.]
Part of FHYA curation of a selection from the Archaeological Collections at the KwaZulu-Natal Museum
[Source - eThembeni Cultural Heritage Management for FHYA, 2016, using KZNM materials: (141a) NE Quadrant - 3 split pebbles, plain pottery, bone, china, wire & seed. (141b) NE Quadrant - Twist of wire, iron & pottery. (141c) SE Quadrant - 2 pieces of pottery, 2 pieces of china & seeds. (141d) SE Quadrant - 4 pieces of pottery including 1 flat rimsherd. (141e) NW Quadrant - Pottery, bone & china. (141f) SW Quadrant - Dung, pottery, china & seeds. (143) Trench 2 - 3 glass beads.]
Part of FHYA curation of a selection from the Archaeological Collections at the KwaZulu-Natal Museum
[Source - eThembeni Cultural Heritage Management for FHYA, 2016, using KZNM materials: (146a) Pottery, bone & stone flakes from trench 3: 0-10. (146b) Bone, pottery, beads & seeds from trench 3: 10-20. (146c) Pottery, stone (split pebble) from trench 3:20-30. (146d) Pottery from trench 3: 30-40. (147a) Tooth & pottery from trench 3: ext. 0-10. (147b) Bone, pottery & beads from trench 3: ext. 10-20. (147c) Pottery, bone and 2 split pebbles from trench 3: ext.20-30.]
Part of FHYA curation of a selection from the uMgungundlovu Archaeological Material at AMAFA
[Source - eThembeni Cultural Heritage Management for FHYA, 2016, using AMAFA materials: Undiagnostic Pottery. Hut 10, 35, 37. Umbundu II - centre front.]
Part of FHYA curation of a selection from the uMgungundlovu Archaeological Material at AMAFA
[Source - eThembeni Cultural Heritage Management for FHYA, 2016, using AMAFA materials: Undiagnostic Pottery. Midden II.]
Part of FHYA curation of a selection from the uMgungundlovu Archaeological Material at AMAFA
[Source - eThembeni Cultural Heritage Management for FHYA, 2016, using AMAFA materials: Diagnostic & Undiagnostic Pottery, European Ware. Hut 190.]
Part of FHYA curation of a selection from the uMgungundlovu Archaeological Material at AMAFA
[Source - eThembeni Cultural Heritage Management for FHYA, 2016, using AMAFA materials: Diagnostic Pottery (1 large glued fragment). Hut 190.]
Part of FHYA curation of a selection from the uMgungundlovu Archaeological Material at AMAFA
[Source - eThembeni Cultural Heritage Management for FHYA, 2016, using AMAFA materials: Metals. GH, BCD.]