Mostrando 565 resultados

Descripción archivística
Johannesburg Art Gallery (JAG)
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433 resultados con objetos digitales Muestra los resultados con objetos digitales

Unknown maker - Stool and associated items
Unknown maker - Stool and associated items
Accession record, stool
Accession record, stool
Cover of 'Traditional Collection: Horstmann Collection: 14/6B Vol 1: Brodie Collection 14/6C Vol 1'
Cover of 'Traditional Collection: Horstmann Collection: 14/6B Vol 1: Brodie Collection 14/6C Vol 1'
Stool (view 2)
Stool (view 2)
Archive file, stool
Archive file, stool
Spine of 'Art Gallery Committee Minute Book 1990-1993'
Spine of 'Art Gallery Committee Minute Book 1990-1993'
Stool (view 3)
Stool (view 3)
Stool object tag
Stool object tag
Unknown maker - Spoon and associated items
Unknown maker - Spoon and associated items
Archive file, spoon
Archive file, spoon
Spine of 'Art Gallery Committee Minute Book 1990-1993'
Spine of 'Art Gallery Committee Minute Book 1990-1993'
Spoon (view 2)
Spoon (view 2)
Accession record, spoon
Accession record, spoon
Cover of 'Traditional Collection: Horstmann Collection: 14/6B Vol 1: Brodie Collection 14/6C Vol 1'
Cover of 'Traditional Collection: Horstmann Collection: 14/6B Vol 1: Brodie Collection 14/6C Vol 1'
Unknown maker - Staff and associated items
Unknown maker - Staff and associated items
Staff (view 3)
Staff (view 3)
Archive file, staff
Archive file, staff
Resultados 1 a 20 de 565