Affichage de 351 résultats

Description archivistique
View Avec objets numériques
Aperçu avant impression Affichage :
uMgungundlovu Slide Box (view 4)
uMgungundlovu Slide Box (view 4)
Yard Stone (view 3)
Yard Stone (view 3)
Yard Stone (view 4)
Yard Stone (view 4)
Arm Decoration (view 2)
Arm Decoration (view 2)
Arm Decoration (view 5)
Arm Decoration (view 5)
Arm Decoration (view 6)
Arm Decoration (view 6)
Arm Decoration (view 12)
Arm Decoration (view 12)
Bracelet (view 2)
Bracelet (view 2)
Bracelet (view 4)
Bracelet (view 4)
Bead (view 5)
Bead (view 5)
Pot Shards (5) (view 5)
Pot Shards (5) (view 5)
Pot Shards (5) (view 14)
Pot Shards (5) (view 14)
Head Piece of a Dagga Pipe (view 3)
Head Piece of a Dagga Pipe (view 3)
Head Piece of a Dagga Pipe (view 4)
Head Piece of a Dagga Pipe (view 4)
Negative of photograph of uMgungundlovu excavation (back view)
Negative of photograph of uMgungundlovu excavation (back view)
Negative of photograph of hearth at the uMgungundlovu excavation (back view)
Negative of photograph of hearth at the uMgungundlovu excavation (back view)
Snuff box (view 3)
Snuff box (view 3)
Snuff box (view 4)
Snuff box (view 4)
Ear ornament (view 2)
Ear ornament (view 2)
Box with markings (view 2)
Box with markings (view 2)
Résultats 1 à 20 sur 351