- 1992-11-19
- Pièce
- 2016 -
Fait partie de FHYA curation of selected materials from the Traditional Collection at the Johannesburg Art Gallery
Fait partie de FHYA curation of selected materials from the Traditional Collection at the Johannesburg Art Gallery
Fait partie de FHYA curation of selected materials from the Traditional Collection at the Johannesburg Art Gallery
Fait partie de FHYA curation of selected materials from the Traditional Collection at the Johannesburg Art Gallery
Cover of 'Traditional Collection: Horstmann Collection: 14/6B Vol 1: Brodie Collection 14/6C Vol 1'
Fait partie de FHYA curation of selected materials from the Traditional Collection at the Johannesburg Art Gallery
[Source - Nessa Leibhammer for FHYA, 2017, using JAG materials: Cover of 'Traditional Collection: Horstmann Collection: 14/6B Vol 1: Brodie Collection 14/6C Vol 1'. To view the full record click the link in the Associated materials field below.]
Fait partie de FHYA curation of selected materials from the Traditional Collection at the Johannesburg Art Gallery
Accession record, headrest/staff
Fait partie de FHYA curation of selected materials from the Traditional Collection at the Johannesburg Art Gallery
Cover of 'Traditional Collection: Horstmann Collection: 14/6B Vol 1: Brodie Collection 14/6C Vol 1'
Fait partie de FHYA curation of selected materials from the Traditional Collection at the Johannesburg Art Gallery
[Source - Nessa Leibhammer for FHYA, 2017, using JAG materials: Cover of 'Traditional Collection: Horstmann Collection: 14/6B Vol 1: Brodie Collection 14/6C Vol 1'. To view the full record click the link in the Associated materials field below.]
Fait partie de FHYA curation of selected materials from the Traditional Collection at the Johannesburg Art Gallery
Fait partie de FHYA curation of selected materials from the Traditional Collection at the Johannesburg Art Gallery
Spine of 'Art Gallery Committee Minute Book 1990-1993'
Fait partie de FHYA curation of selected materials from the Traditional Collection at the Johannesburg Art Gallery
[Source - Debra Pryor for FHYA, 2019, using JAG materials: Spine of Art Gallery Committee Minute Book 1990-1993'. To view the full record click the link in the Associated materials field below.]
Fait partie de FHYA curation of selected materials from the Traditional Collection at the Johannesburg Art Gallery
Fait partie de FHYA curation of selected materials from the Traditional Collection at the Johannesburg Art Gallery
Fait partie de FHYA curation of selected materials from the Traditional Collection at the Johannesburg Art Gallery
Cover of 'Traditional Collection: Horstmann Collection: 14/6B Vol 1: Brodie Collection 14/6C Vol 1'
Fait partie de FHYA curation of selected materials from the Traditional Collection at the Johannesburg Art Gallery
[Source - Nessa Leibhammer for FHYA, 2017, using JAG materials: Cover of 'Traditional Collection: Horstmann Collection: 14/6B Vol 1: Brodie Collection 14/6C Vol 1'. To view the full record click the link in the Associated materials field below.]
Fait partie de FHYA curation of selected materials from the Traditional Collection at the Johannesburg Art Gallery
Spine of 'Art Gallery Committee Minute Book 1990-1993'
Fait partie de FHYA curation of selected materials from the Traditional Collection at the Johannesburg Art Gallery
[Source - Debra Pryor for FHYA, 2019, using JAG materials: Spine of Art Gallery Committee Minute Book 1990-1993'. To view the full record click the link in the Associated materials field below.]
Fait partie de FHYA curation of selected materials from the Traditional Collection at the Johannesburg Art Gallery
Fait partie de FHYA curation of selected materials from the Traditional Collection at the Johannesburg Art Gallery
Fait partie de FHYA curation of selected materials from the Traditional Collection at the Johannesburg Art Gallery
Spine of 'Art Gallery Committee Minute Book 1990-1993'
Fait partie de FHYA curation of selected materials from the Traditional Collection at the Johannesburg Art Gallery
[Source - Debra Pryor for FHYA, 2019, using JAG materials: Spine of Art Gallery Committee Minute Book 1990-1993'. To view the full record click the link in the Associated materials field below.]