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Johannesburg Art Gallery (JAG) Série
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FHYA selection from Brenthurst Series

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA using materials provided by Nessa Leibhammer, 2018: The FHYA selection of the items within the Brenthurst Collection was made by Nessa Leibhammer, who curated the Traditional Collections from 1994 to 1996, and then again from 2005 to 2013. This selection currently contains 16 items, and their associated material, which Leibhammer identified as probably dating to the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, and as coming from the FHYA target area of KwaZulu-Natal and immediately adjacent regions.]

FHYA selection from Maritz Series

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA using materials provided by Nessa Leibhammer, 2018: The core of what would become the Maritz Collection at JAG was assembled by Jonathan Lowen in London. This was then purchased by Nicholas Maritz who added further items to it before selling the collection, which he classified as ‘Northern Nguni’, to the JAG in 2013. The Maritz Collection is housed within Traditional Collections in JAG. The FHYA selection of the items within the Maritz Collection was made by Nessa Leibhammer, who curated the Traditional Collections from 1994 to 1996, and then again from 2005 to 2013. This selection contains 62 items, and their associated material, which Leibhammer identified as probably dating to the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, and as coming from the FHYA target area of KwaZulu-Natal and immediately adjacent regions. Leibhammer further selected items within these criteria for which images were readily available.]

FHYA selection from Jaques Series

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA using materials provided by Nessa Leibhammer, 2018: In 1987, the Johannesburg Art Gallery purchased a selection of 114 items from Reverend A. A. Jaques’ headrest collection. The FHYA selection of the items within the Jaques Collection was made by Nessa Leibhammer, who curated the Traditional Collections from 1994 to 1996, and then again from 2005 to 2013. This selection comprises 1 item, and associated material, which Leibhammer identified as probably dating to the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, and as coming from the FHYA target area of KwaZulu-Natal and immediately adjacent regions. Leibhammer further selected this item because there was an image of the object readily available.]

FHYA selection from Brodie Series

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA using materials provided by Nessa Leibhammer, 2018: The Johannesburg Art Gallery purchased 532 pieces, predominantly beadwork, from Mordechai Brodie in the latter part of 1994. This selection comprises 1 item, and associated material, which Leibhammer identified as probably dating to the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, and as coming from the FHYA target area of KwaZulu-Natal and immediately adjacent regions. Leibhammer further selected this item because there was an image of the object readily available.]

FHYA selection from Karner Series

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA using materials provided by Nessa Leibhammer, 2018: The FHYA selection from the Karner Collection comprises 1 item, and associated material, which Leibhammer identified as probably dating to the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, and as coming from the FHYA target area of KwaZulu-Natal and immediately adjacent regions. Leibhammer further selected this item because there was an image of the object readily available.]

FHYA selection of associated institutional material at JAG

[Source - Carolyn Hamilton for FHYA, 2019: Contains a selection of institutional material held at JAG, some whole records and in other instances, compilations of parts of records that were digitised because of their relevance to the associated objects selected by the FHYA. In this section you will either find the complete record - or as complete a version as the FHYA were able to at the time. Where the record appears alongside the selected objects in the series above, a link will have been made from there to the complete record in this series, via the Associated materials field.]

FHYA selection from Horstmann Series

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA using materials provided by Nessa Leibhammer, 2018: In 1992, Udo Horstmann sold 26 objects from southern African to the Johannesburg Art Gallery, donating a further 67 items as part of the transaction. A few years later, he further donated a number of other items to JAG. The FHYA selection of the items within the Horstmann Collection was made by Nessa Leibhammer, who curated the Traditional Collections from 1994 to 1996, and then again from 2005 to 2013. This selection contains 8 items, and their associated material, which Leibhammer identified as probably dating to the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, and as coming from the FHYA target area of KwaZulu-Natal and immediately adjacent regions. Leibhammer further selected items within these criteria for which images were readily available.]