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FHYA curation of items derived from the James Stuart Papers at the Killie Campbell Africana Library

  • Selection
  • 2016 -

[Source - Carolyn Hamilton for FHYA, 2018: The FHYA selection from the James Stuart Papers comprises the six published volumes of the James Stuart Archive, edited by Colin Webb and John Wright; one of the editor's (John Wright's) annotated photocopies used in preparation for the publications; and the Hyperlinked Archival Research Tool.

The published volumes contain an edited, annotated and in places translated selection of Stuart's notes arranged chronologically under the names of 185 main interlocutors.

The editor's annotated photocopies have been copied from the volume editors' selection of material from the full James Stuart Papers, organised in folders under the name of each of the main interlocutors. Currently the FHYA has permission from KCAL to place online only the photocopies relevant to the text of a single interlocutor.

The Hyperlinked Archival Research Tool takes the form of interactive PDF's which make possible a switch from a particular point in the on-line version of the published text to the relevant page of the photocopies of the handwritten text to check a particular detail. The FHYA has further added links wherever possible to other works mentioned by the editors in the end notes. The FHYA has also provided links from the superscript end note numbers in the main text to the relevant endnotes. Users are further able to click on the note number in the endnotes to return directly to the relevant point in the main text.]