Affichage de 1143 résultats

Description archivistique
Amafa / Heritage KwaZulu Natali - provincial heritage conservation agency (AMAFA)
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FHYA curation of a selection from the uMgungundlovu Archaeological Material at AMAFA
FHYA curation of a selection from the uMgungundlovu Archaeological Material at AMAFA
uMgungundlovu - Undiagnostic Pottery and associated items
uMgungundlovu - Undiagnostic Pottery and associated items
Box with markings (view 2)
Box with markings (view 2)
Components 1
Components 1
Box with markings
Box with markings
Box with markings (view 2)
Box with markings (view 2)
Box with markings (view 2)
Box with markings (view 2)
Components 1
Components 1
Components 3
Components 3
uMgungundlovu - Umbundu Fragments and associated items
uMgungundlovu - Umbundu Fragments and associated items
Contents of box
Contents of box
Related pages from the AMAFA/Heritage/Erfenis Archaeology Accession Catalogue
Related pages from the AMAFA/Heritage/Erfenis Archaeology Accession Catalogue
Components 2
Components 2
Components 2
Components 2
Box with markings
Box with markings
Components 3
Components 3
Components 4
Components 4
uMgungundlovu - Undiagnostic and Diagnostic Pottery and associated items
uMgungundlovu - Undiagnostic and Diagnostic Pottery and associated items
Contents of box
Contents of box
Résultats 1 à 20 sur 1143