Showing 371 results

Makers and Shapers

A. Mgoma

  • Person
  • [18-?] - YYYY

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2018, using The Collection of Father Franz Mayr Zulu Recordings 1908, CD booklet: A. Mgoma was the wife of Nogwaja, who was the chieftain of the Makabela people. She was recorded by Father Franz Mayr in around 1908.]

Alfred Cort Haddon

  • Person
  • 24 May 1855 - 20 April 1940

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017, using the Cambridge University Library website: Alfred Cort Haddon was a zoologist, ethnologist, and anthropologist in the late 1800s to the early 1900s. He was a lecturer at the University of Cambridge and was a Fellow of Christ’s Church. His papers, and their associated materials, were deposited at the Cambridge University Library by the Cambridge University Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology in 1968. This material is housed in the Special Collections at CUL, specifically within the Manuscripts and University Archives, as well as in the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology at the University of Cambridge.]

Alice Werner

  • Person
  • 26 June 1859 - 9 June 1935

[Source - Nessa Leibhammer for FHYA , 2017, using Wikipedia: Alice Werner was a writer, poet, and teacher of the ‘Bantu’ language. After visiting Nyasaland in 1893 and Natal in 1894, much of her writings focused on African themes. She was a professor of Swahili and Bantu languages at the School of Oriental and African Studies and the University of London, which she joined in 1917. She retired in 1929. Following this retirement, she was awarded the title of Emeritus Professor from SOAS. In 1931 she was awarded the Silver Medal of the African Society, of which she was Vice-President.] 

Antel, Mr

  • Person
  • [18-?] - YYYY

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017, using KCAL materials: Mr. Antel lived in Nonoti in the Lower Tugela Division, and was a clerk for Captain Walmesley (a Natal Border Agent). He was interviewed by James Stuart in 1900 at Impendhle.]

B. Haynes

  • Person
  • Unknown

[Source - Nessa Leibhammer for FHYA, 2016, using MAA materials: B. Haynes donated material collected by C.B.H. Haynes to the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology at the University of Cambridge on behalf of the Haynes family.]

Baleni ka Mlalaziko

  • Person
  • [18-?] - YYYY

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017, using KCAL materials: Baleni kaMlalaziko's mother was from the Ngcobo people. He was apparently related to Socwatsha and was interviewed by James Stuart in 1918.]

Baleni ka Silwana

  • Person
  • [18-?] - YYYY

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017, using KCAL materials: Baleni kaSilwana of the Mpungose people was a part of the Dhloko regiment. He was born in Dingaga's reign at the White Umfolozi in the Mahlabatini valley. kaSilwana was interviewed by James Stuart in 1914.]

Baron Anatole von Hügel

  • Person
  • 1854 - 1928

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017, using MAA website: Baron Anatole von Hügel was of mixed Austrian aristocratic and Scottish descent, and grew up between Italy, Belgium, and England. His father had a wide-ranging interest in ethnography, zoology, and botany. Von Hügel studied at Stonyhurst, a Catholic College in Lancashire, from 1871-73, but was advised to undertake a long sea voyage for his health, and decided to visit Australia. During his time in Australia, von Hügel mixed in scientific circles, ended up conducting scientific research in Fiji. He returned to England in 1877, where he made contacts in Cambridge. In 1884 he was appointed the first Curator of what was then called the Museum of General and Local Archaeology at the University of Cambridge, a position he would hold for the next thirty-eight years. During his time as Curator, he donated his own materials from his time in Fiji, he raised money to construct the new premises of the museum at Downing Street, and oversaw the move to this location. He also corresponded with collectors, travellers, and researchers from around the world, and steadily built up the collections at the Museum. He died in 1928.]

Bulawako Ginindza

  • Person
  • [19-?] - YYYY

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017, using WITS materials: At this time the FHYA has not been able to locate biographical information about Bulawako Ginindza. He was interviewed by Philip Bonner in the Embekelweni area of Swaziland in 1970.]

Bru de Wold, Col HT

  • Person
  • [18-?] - YYYY

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017, using KCAL materials: At this time the FHYA has not been able to locate biographical information about Colonel H.T. Bru-de-Wold, Commandant of Natal Volunteers from 1902 to 1907. He was interviewed by James Stuart in 1906.]

Bongani Mkhatshwa

  • Person
  • [19-?] - YYYY

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017, using WITS materials: At this time the FHYA has not been able to locate biographical information about Bongani Mkhatshwa. He was interviewed by Dumisa Dlamini on behalf of the Swaziland Broadcasting Service at the Swaziland Broadcasting Service in Swaziland in 1982.]

Bond, Mr

  • Person
  • [18-?] - YYYY

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017, using KCAL materials: At this time the FHYA has not been able to locate biographical information about Mr. Bond of Bond's Drift. He was interviewed by James Stuart in 1914.]

Bazley, William

  • Person
  • [18-?] - YYYY

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017, using KCAL materials: At this time the FHYA has not been able to locate biographical information about William Bazley. He was interviewed by James Stuart in 1907.]

Bikwayo ka Noziwawa

  • Person
  • [18-?] - YYYY

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017, using KCAL materials: Bikwayo kaNoziwawa was of the Ngobamakosi regiment. His grandfather Mzizima was king's messenger to all of the 'low country of Tongaland'. He was interviewed by James Stuart in 1903.]

Billy Mavimbela

  • Person
  • [19-] - YYYY

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017, using WITS materials: Billy Mavimbela was a translator and transcriber who worked on the interviews conducted by Carolyn Hamilton in Swaziland in the 1980s.]

Colonel Henry Wemyss Feilden

  • Person
  • 6 October 1838 - 8 June 1921

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017, using the obituary of Henry Wemyss Feilden published in (1921), Obituary. Ibis, 63: 726–732. doi:10.1111/j.1474-919X.1921.tb01297.x, 2017: Colonel Henry Wemyss Feilden was born in 1838, and was the second son of Sir William Feilden. He joined the army at age 19, serving in India and China, as well as in South Africa during the Boer Campaign of 1881 and the Boer War of 1890, where he worked as the Paymaster of Imperial Yeomanry. He also held a post in the Confederate Army during the American Civil War. He married Julia MacCord in 1864, to whom he would remain married until her death in 1920. He worked extensively as an ornithologist and zoologist, and served as the naturalist on Sir George Nares' Northern Polar Expedition in 1875. He was a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, and was decorated for his service in India, China and South Africa, and was appointed a Companion of the Order of the Bath for his services to Imperial Yeomanry in 1900.]

Colenso, Miss

  • Person
  • [18-?] - YYYY

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017, using KCAL materials: At this time the FHYA has not been able to locate biographical information about Miss Colenso (probably Miss Harriette Emily Colenso). She was interviewed by James Stuart in 1904.]

Colin de B. Webb

  • Person
  • 24 October 1930 - 22 March 1992

[Source - John Wright for FHYA, 2016: Colin de Berri Webb was born in Pretoria on 24 October 1930. He attended Pretoria Boys' High School, and in 1948 went on to the University of the Witwatersrand on a Barclay's Bank Scholarship. In 1955, as a holder of the prestigious Elsie Ballot Scholarship, he proceeded to Clare College, Cambridge, to read history. In 1957 he took up his first university appointment as a temporary lecturer in the Department of History and Political Science at the University of Natal, Durban. There he met Fleur Gower, who was on the staff teaching Introductory French. They married in 1960. In 1962 Colin came as a senior lecturer to the Department of History and Political Science in Pietermaritzburg, the same year his eldest son, Jonathan, was born. Nicholas followed in 1964. Colin' s promotion in 1971 to associate professor was only his due. Then in 1976 he moved to the University of Cape Town as the King George V Professor of History, filling this, the premier history chair in South Africa.

With the death of Professor Colin Webb on 22 March 1992, both Natalia and the Natal Society have lost a much esteemed and long standing associate. He played a prominent role in the founding of Natalia and was the first chairman of its editorial board (1971-75), as well as a council member of the Natal Society (1965-75, 1988-92), and one of its vice-presidents (1988-92).

His was a presence that loomed. Yet it was much more than his sheer physical stature that indelibly impressed Colin Webb' s persona on the consciousness of all who knew him. For he was many things: teacher, scholar, administrator and public figure; but also husband and father of two sons, and valued friend and colleague. Authority emanated from him, but always tempered by his approachability, obvious integrity and fine sense of humour. Who can forget his beam of delight and high-pitched, trilling laugh? His company was always stimulating and could be enormous fun, for he was a man of wit and dramatic flair, with wide interests besides history and education. He could talk with real knowledge and insight on subjects ranging from politics, drama, music and fine art to veld types and domestic gardens. And though he could be formidable at times, it was with the short intensity of a summer storm, soon to pass. For he was a man of passion, who believed passionately in what he did and in the firm liberal principles which guided his actions.]

Colenbrander, HJ

  • Person
  • [18-?] - YYYY

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017, using KCAL materials: At this time the FHYA has not been able to locate biographical information about H. J. Colenbrander. He was interviewed by James Stuart in 1900.]

Results 1 to 20 of 371