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Daily News

  • Publisher
  • [18-?] - present

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2020, using wikipedia: Daily News is a daily newspaper owned by Independent News & Media SA and published every weekday afternoon in Durban, South Africa. Between 1936 and 1962 the newspaper was called Natal Daily News. Prior to 1936 (dating back into the 19th century) it was called The Natal (Mercantile) Advertiser.]

Elize Becker

  • Persoon
  • [19-?] - present

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2020, using Elize Becker's LinkedIn account: Elize Becker is a South African archaeologist and anthropologist who worked as a Heritage Officer at Amafa KZN Heritage between 2005 and 2007.]

Kevin Carnie-Thompson

  • Persoon
  • [19-?] - present

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2020, using Kevin Carnie-Thompson's LinkedIn profile: Kevin Carnie-Thompson received his Bachelor's of Commerce in Human Resources and Administration in 1999. He started working as the Herbarium Technician at Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife 2018.]

Ditsong National Museum of Natural History, formerly the Transvaal Museum

  • Museum
  • 1895 - present

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2020, using wikipedia and the Ditsong Museums of South Africa website: The Ditsong National Museum of Natural History, formerly known as the Transvaal Museum, is a natural history museum situated in Pretoria, South Africa. The museum was initially established in 1892 as the Staatsmuseum (State Museum) of the former South African Republic. The Transvaal Museum became a part of the Northern Flagship Institution (the NFI) in April 1999. The NFI was officially renamed Ditsong Museums of South Africa in April 2010 and the Transvaal Museum was renamed Ditsong National Museum of Natural History at the same time. The Museum’s collections and exhibits include hominid fossils from the Cradle of Humankind World Heritage Site and associated fauna, including Mrs Ples (the nickname attributed to a fossil skull believed to represent a distant relative of all humankind); fossils, skeletons, skins and mounted specimens of amphibians, fish, invertebrates, reptiles and mammals.]

Anthropology Southern Africa, formerly South African Journal of Ethnology

  • Publisher
  • 1994 - present

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2020, using the NISC website: Anthropology Southern Africa was known as the South African Journal of Ethnology from its foundation in 1994 to 2001. The journal changed its name and focus in 2002. It is the peer-reviewed journal of the Anthropology Southern Africa association. The journal aims to promote anthropology in southern Africa, to support ethnographic and theoretical research, and to provide voices to public debates. The journal publishes work on and from southern Africa including Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.]

W. C. Holden

  • Persoon
  • [18-?] - YYYY

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2020, using Tim Keegan's "Colonial South Africa:Origins Racial Order" : Reverend William C. Holden was a Methodist who arrived in Port Natal in 1847 to serve as a 'settler scribe' to J. C. Chase. He published "The History of the Colony of Natal" in 1855.]

Wendy E. Cubbin

  • Persoon
  • [19-?] - YYYY

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2018, using information provided by Gavin Whitelaw: Wendy E. Cubbin wrote the paper 'A physical reconstruction of Mgungundlovu, Dingane's umuzi circa 1837, based on eye witness accounts and supported by authoritative studies' for the Pietermaritzburg Girls' High School Natal Senior Certificate in 1983. This was later published in ‘Yesterday and Today’ journal number 15, April 1988. At this time the FHYA has not been able to locate any further biographical information about Wendy Cubbin.]

Baleka ka Mpitikezi

  • Persoon
  • c.1856 - YYYY

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017, using KCAL materials: Baleka kaMpitikezi was a member of the Qwabe people, and was born circa 1856. She was interviewed multiple times by James Stuart in 1919, and at least one of these interviews took place at High Brae (Stuart's home in Hilton, near Pietermaritzburg)

Five Hundred Year Archive (FHYA)

  • Research Initiative
  • Fl. 2012 - present

[Source - Archive and Public Culture Research Initiative website, 2017: Research and enquiries into aspects of the southern African past in the periods predating the existence of European imperial and colonial archives have been complicated by the absence of contemporary written sources. One crucial move to address this apparent obstacle has been to make use of physical objects and sonic items. Yet much of the material concerning the remote southern African past – including artefacts in daily use, objects that testify to trade activities and creative works is misidentified, often undated, lost or dispersed in institutions across the world or held in settings that are largely inaccessible private and/or not recognizably archival. By archival we mean made available for use in such a way that their origins and provenance, and multiple histories across time, are foregrounded. A second concern lies in the ways this material, as well as the written documents that refer to earlier independent periods, was shaped by colonial and later apartheid knowledge practices.

The aim of this project, The Five Hundred-Year Archive (FHYA), a name provided by an earlier initiative (see Swanepoel N., Esterhuysen, A and Bonner, P (eds.), 500 Years Rediscovered: Southern African Precedents and Prospects (Johannesburg, Wits University Press, 2008)- is to develop and promote understandings of the archival possibilities of materials located both within and outside of formal archives and to facilitate their engagement. It does this in order to stimulate interest, research and enquiries into the southern African past.

An initial move in this endeavour is the creation of an accessible online exemplar, which is capable of convening, in a virtual format, visual, textual and sonic materials pertinent to these periods. The exemplar aims to be a conceptually innovative intervention geared to engaging, in a critical manner, inherited forms of knowledge organization. It is being constructed to work across multiple institutions and to incorporate a variety of media formats, be capable of handling diverse objects, and provide context, by taking into account, most notably, the provenance and spatial and temporal locations of the various materials, as well as their multiple histories. The exemplar is designed in such a way as to facilitate recognition and understanding of the ways in which disciplinary conventions and colonial and apartheid knowledge practices have shaped the materials concerned. In some cases, it unpicks aspects of that shaping, notably the forms of classification to which such materials were subjected historically.

The project is a feasibility exercise that explores the possibilities of new ways of thinking about, and stimulating activity in relation to, archives for a region long denied an archive; a region that was offered instead ideas of timeless traditional culture. It does not aim to create an authoritative, stand-alone digital archive that will exist in perpetuity. It is, instead, a catalytic intervention that seeks to activate new kinds of archival energies.

The Archive and Public Culture Research Initiative (APC), based at the University of Cape Town, with the support of the KwaZulu-Natal Museum, Wits Historical Papers and the Killie Campbell Africana Library, and with expressions of interest from a number of overseas institutions, took the lead in raising the funds for an initial three-year project, which directly addresses both the conceptual and technical aspects of such an endeavour. The initial feasibility study is made in relation to one area (what is today southern Swaziland, KwaZulu-Natal and the north Eastern Cape region of Southern Africa), but is designed in such a way that its regional coverage could be readily extended in an aggregative way to a much wider geographic area. The feasibility study has two phases: an initial consultation and preparation stage (July 2013 – June 2014) and a second implementation stage (July 2014 – June 2017).]

Tim Maggs

  • Persoon
  • 1941 - present

[Source - Tim Maggs for FHYA, 2020: I was born in 1941 in Pretoria, of British ancestry. After World War 2 we moved to Johannesburg where I attended school to age 12. Holidays saw us travel widely in South Africa, including various farm visits, which must have stimulated my appreciation of the countryside. With the second National Party election victory in 1953 our parents became concerned about the increasingly racist regime in South Africa and moved us three siblings to the UK to complete our education. Having finished school returned to SA and started a BA in history and geography at the University of Cape Town. This wasn't really leading anywhere until I became hooked on archaeology through meeting and going on expeditions to record rock paintings with the pioneers, Townley Johnson, Hym Rabinowitz and Percy Sieff. This led to Hons. in archaeology, followed by a PhD on the precolonial farmers of the Free State, which took nearly a decade. By now married and with small children, we moved to Pietermaritzburg, where I took up the first-ever archaeological post in Natal and continued research into early farming communities. Over the years I began also to work on the more public aspects of archaeology and heritage conservation - contributions to textbooks, school visits, efforts to protect archaeological sites and service on a variety of heritage-related committees. I was the first chair of the KwaZulu Monuments Council and later served on the National Monuments Council. From small beginnings, the Archaeology Department of the Natal (now KwaZulu-Natal) Museum has grown (much of it after I retired) to include specialists in the Stone Age and rock art as well as early farmers. Now deep into retirement I still (2020) do some research, notably on the terraced settlements of the Mpumalanga escarpment.]

Nokuthula Vilakati

  • Persoon
  • [19-?] - present

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017, using WITS materials: Nokuthula Vilakati (variations in title: Vilakathi, Vilakazi) was a translator and transcriber who worked on the interviews conducted by Philip Bonner and Carolyn Hamilton in Swaziland in the 1970s and 1980s.]

Cetjwayo Mndzebele

  • Persoon
  • [19-?] - YYYY

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017, using WITS materials: At this time the FHYA has not been able to locate biographical information about Mndzebele. He was interviewed by Philip Bonner in the Mkhitshini area of Swaziland in 1970.]

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