Zona do título e menção de responsabilidade
Título próprio
FHYA selection from the Anthropological Collection at the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology at the University of Cambridge
Designação geral do material
- Objeto
- Documento textual
Título paralelo
Outra informação do título
Título e menções de responsabilidade
Notas ao título
- Fonte do título próprio: FHYA
Nível de descrição
Entidade detentora
Código de referência
Zona de edição
Menção de edição
Menção de responsabilidade da edição
Zona de detalhes específicos de materiais
Menção da escala (cartográfica)
Menção da projecção (cartográfica)
Menção das coordenadas (cartográfico)
Menção da escala (arquitectura)
Autoridade emissora e denominação (filatélica)
Zona de datas de criação
2017 - (Online curation)
Zona de descrição física
Descrição física
- 74 Catalogue Cards
- 56 Labels
- 21 Annual Reports
- 18 Accession Registers
- 14 Belts
- 14 Necklaces
- 9 Spoons
- 7 Snuff Spoons
- 3 Headrests
- 3 Combs
- 3 Clubs
- 3 Aprons
- 3 Bracelets
- 2 Skimmers
- 2 Baskets
- 2 Walking Sticks with Carved Ends
- 2 Bangles
- 2 Strainers
- 2 Hairpins
- 2 Snuff Boxes
- 2 Skirts
- 2 Ornaments
- 2 Pendants
- 2 Container
- 1 Beaded Waistband
- 1 Horn Snuff Receptacle
- 1 Gourd with Wire Work
- 1 Pillow
- 1 Ngula
- 1 Mug
- 1 Club Staff
- 1 Arm Band
- 1 Neck Ornament
- 1 Pipe Bowl
- 1 Wooden Spoon
- 1 Loindress
- 1 Set of Beads
- 1 Axe
- 1 Piece of Beadwork
- 1 Flask Container
- 1 Head Ornament
- 1 Armlet
- 1 Gourd Container
Zona dos editores das publicações
Título próprio do recurso continuado
Títulos paralelos das publicações do editor
Outra informação do título das publicações do editor
Menção de responsabilidade relativa ao editor do recurso contínuo
Numeração das publicações do editor
Nota sobre as publicações do editor
Zona da descrição do arquivo
História custodial
[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA using Nessa Leibhammer and Rachel Hand’s notes, 2017: The FHYA selection from the Anthropological Collection at the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology at the University of Cambridge was made by Nessa Leibhammer in 2012.
MAA accessions were first recorded in hand-written accession registers by the curator Baron Anatole von Hügel, the earliest of which dates to 1883. Objects were accessioned and arranged by calendar year, with a running suffix added to the year of donation, e.g. 1890.123. From this information, handwritten catalogue cards for each geographical region or cultural area were produced giving a physical description of the object, sometimes with details on use, with names and titles of collectors and donors. These were used until early 2000s but are now entered directly from the register into the database. Some cards have drawings of objects on their backs or colour photographs of the items stapled to them. There is evidence of accessioned items being re-numbered as a result of numbering problems or confusion. Labels were also created for the objects and attached to them or details were written onto the actual objects though the date or ordering of these is unclear.
There were separate Ethnographical and Archaeological accession registers which ran concurrently from 1884- 1917, with the ethnographic accessions numbered using the following format: ‘E’ and then ‘year accessioned’ followed by sequential numbering. E.g. E 1912.123. A single register was used from 1917 with no letter prefix. The Museum’s second curator, Louis Clarke, instigated a Z Register in January 1923, accessioning and entering objects that had not been recorded in the year of acquisition or that needed to be renumbered. These items were given Z numbers, using a ‘Z’ prefix and then sequential numbers, e.g., Z 1234. This numbering system for un-accessioned items found in the museum continued alongside the normal accessioning procedure, using the relevant year of entry, until the late 1990s.
Information from the accession registers is collated each academic year into the Annual Reports to the University. Items were initially entered under section headings, ‘Ethnological’ and ‘Africa’ and the objects were listed alphabetically by their collectors/donor’s names. From 1921, ethnographical and archaeological items were combined and continued to be arranged alphabetically by donor name. Because the Annual Reports are issued retrospectively, objects can have a Report year date subsequent to that of the year of accession. From the early 1980s information about objects has been included captured on a database which has been on-line since the late 1990s: http://maa.cam.ac.uk/cms/]
Âmbito e conteúdo
[Source - Carolyn Hamilton for FHYA, 2019: Leibhammer made the selection for the FHYA with the following considerations in mind: objects had to have been made in the 19th or early 20th centuries and had to have come from the KwaZulu-Natal region. Leibhammer also made sure to select a range of donors that included anthropologists, female collectors, and military or colonial officials. She ensured that the selection included a range of genre, such as carved wooden objects, metal and beadwork items. She also selected objects where she knew of the existence of similar objects in other collections that were likely to throw light on the objects at MMA. She thus relied in part on information gleaned from the MAA accession records and in part on her own knowledge of the field.
[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA using Nessa Leibhammer and Rachel Hand’s notes, 2017: Rachel Hand, the Collections Manager for Anthropology at the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology at the University of Cambridge, along with Nessa Leibhammer for the FHYA, searched the MAA online database for all the items in the MAA collection that were labelled ‘Zulu’; ‘Natal’; ‘Zululand’; ‘KwaZulu-Natal’; and the term at the time for the inhabitants of southern Natal and the Northern Cape, [K-word]. Hand found the relevant material in MAA’s 3 stores. Leibhammer then manually combed through the Southern African card drawer and photographed the related catalogue cards, Accession Registers, and Annual Reports. During this process, Leibhammer narrowed the number of items for FHYA consideration from the 461 items initially identified to 75 items. The FHYA selection is co-terminus with Leibhammer’s selection.
The FHYA is also concerned with the archival material associated with historical objects, such as notes, catalogue cards, labels, accession registers, and annual reports. This material is a part of the history of both the museum and the object. MAA used catalogue cards to add additional object information from the very first accessions back in 1884 and replacement cards were made if the original was lost- usually using both different pens, and terms. Original sale or collector labels were sometimes stuck to the cards to add biographical layers of information, as well as letters, and, later, photographs. Staff and sometimes visitors, would add comments on provenances, measurements and locations over time. Reconnecting an author with their annotations can add to knowledge of the object’s history and associations. The era and author of the cards also is reflected in their physical aspects: initially details were handwritten in ink, the 1930s saw cards stamped and written on a typewriter, followed variously by handwritten details in ballpoint pen, finally moving to word-processed and laser printed texts. Like the cards the physical type of paper and pen used can suggest dates as well as authors. They can be used to confirm the identity of misplaced objects, e.g. Henry Bulwer’s collection bears distinctive long, rectangular shaped paper labels and his cursive script. Early labels were handwritten in ink, on small rectangular paper or parchment label and tied through small metal reinforced holes. Others were glued directly to the object. Smaller rectangular or square paper labels, with a printed outline, usually stuck directly to the object, usually originate in late nineteenth or early twentieth century salerooms or via a collector. Larger circular, metal-edged labels were written in the museum, probably from the 1970s onwards. The 1980s brought larger labels on thick yellow paper and remained handwritten. From c.2000, MAA has used acid-free yellowish paper labels, that are written on in light-sensitive and waterproof ink. The FHYA organized this material into ‘series’, with each series being named after the primary collector of the material.]
Zona das notas
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