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a) religious song b) extempore speech Sung by a Baca girl, spoken by two Baca girls, lyrics transcript and translation

[Source - Benathi Marufu for FHYA, 2020, using ÖAW materials: Relevant pages of the CD Booklet for the "Series 10: The Collection of Father Franz Mayr Zulu Recordings 1908", published in 2006. To view the full booklet click the link in the Associated materials field below.]

"A Short Study on Zulu Music" by Reverend Father Franz Mayr, reprinted from "Annals of the Natal Government Museum, Vol. I, Part 3, May, 1908."

[Source - Debra Pryor for FHYA, 2019: "A Short Study on Zulu Music" by Reverend Father Franz Mayr, reprinted from "Annals of the Natal Government Museum, Vol. I, Part 3, May, 1908." extracted from the Data CD produced by the OAW in 2006.]

Hymn Descants, sung by the same girls [as in Ph 1761; accompanied by a reed organ], lyrics transcript and translation

[Source - Benathi Marufu for FHYA, 2020, using ÖAW materials: Relevant pages of the CD Booklet for the "Series 10: The Collection of Father Franz Mayr Zulu Recordings 1908", published in 2006. To view the full booklet click the link in the Associated materials field below.]

Igama lokubonga inyama yesifuba: [dance (...?)], with laughing and shouting Two-part singing by D. Mdhlalose, Maria Theresa Kanyile, lyrics transcript and translation

[Source - Benathi Marufu for FHYA, 2020, using ÖAW materials: Relevant pages of the CD Booklet for the "Series 10: The Collection of Father Franz Mayr Zulu Recordings 1908", published in 2006. To view the full booklet click the link in the Associated materials field below.]

Igama lokubonga inyama yesifuba: [dance (...?)], with laughing and shouting Two-part singing by D. Mdhlalose, Maria Theresa Kanyile, lyrics transcript and translation

[Source - Benathi Marufu for FHYA, 2020, using ÖAW materials: Relevant pages of the CD Booklet for the "Series 10: The Collection of Father Franz Mayr Zulu Recordings 1908", published in 2006. To view the full booklet click the link in the Associated materials field below.]

Igama lokusina, isicangu[z]o: wedding dance [introductory dance performed by the bride's party] Three-part singing by grown-up girls, lyrics transcript and translation

[Source - Benathi Marufu for FHYA, 2020, using ÖAW materials: Relevant pages of the CD Booklet for the "Series 10: The Collection of Father Franz Mayr Zulu Recordings 1908", published in 2006. To view the full booklet click the link in the Associated materials field below.]

[Igama lokusina], isicanguzo: wedding dance [introductory dance performed by the bride's party] Two-part singing by Mhladhlozi and Nondhleko [married women], lyrics transcript and translation

[Source - Benathi Marufu for FHYA, 2020, using ÖAW materials: Relevant pages of the CD Booklet for the "Series 10: The Collection of Father Franz Mayr Zulu Recordings 1908", published in 2006. To view the full booklet click the link in the Associated materials field below.]

Igama lokuzingela lamadoda: hunting dance song [...1 Three-part singing by Maria Theresa Kanyile, M. A. Msane and Maria Gertrude Mkize, lyrics transcript and translation

[Source - Benathi Marufu for FHYA, 2020, using ÖAW materials: Relevant pages of the CD Booklet for the "Series 10: The Collection of Father Franz Mayr Zulu Recordings 1908", published in 2006. To view the full booklet click the link in the Associated materials field below.]

Igama lokwendisa [engagement dance] Two-part singing by Frida Kunene and Maria Theresa Kanyile, lyrics transcript and translation

[Source - Benathi Marufu for FHYA, 2020, using ÖAW materials: Relevant pages of the CD Booklet for the "Series 10: The Collection of Father Franz Mayr Zulu Recordings 1908", published in 2006. To view the full booklet click the link in the Associated materials field below.]

Ihubo lamabuto: war song [literally: song of the warriors] Sung by Pakati, lyrics transcript and translation

[Source - Benathi Marufu for FHYA, 2020, using ÖAW materials: Relevant pages of the CD Booklet for the "Series 10: The Collection of Father Franz Mayr Zulu Recordings 1908", published in 2006. To view the full booklet click the link in the Associated materials field below.]

Ihubo lempi ka Mzimba: war-dance song [of chieftain Mzimba] Sung by Mbonambi Kanyile, lyrics transcript and translation

[Source - Benathi Marufu for FHYA, 2020, using ÖAW materials: Relevant pages of the CD Booklet for the "Series 10: The Collection of Father Franz Mayr Zulu Recordings 1908", published in 2006. To view the full booklet click the link in the Associated materials field below.]

Ihubo lempi: old war song [war-dance song] Sung by Pakati, lyrics transcript and translation

[Source - Benathi Marufu for FHYA, 2020, using ÖAW materials: Relevant pages of the CD Booklet for the "Series 10: The Collection of Father Franz Mayr Zulu Recordings 1908", published in 2006. To view the full booklet click the link in the Associated materials field below.]

Ihubo lempi: old war song [war-dance song] Sung by Pakati, lyrics transcript and translation

[Source - Benathi Marufu for FHYA, 2020, using ÖAW materials: Relevant pages of the CD Booklet for the "Series 10: The Collection of Father Franz Mayr Zulu Recordings 1908", published in 2006. To view the full booklet click the link in the Associated materials field below.]

Ihubo lempi: war [dance] song Two-part singing by Maria Theresa Kanyile and Maria Gertrude Mkize, lyrics transcript and translation

[Source - Benathi Marufu for FHYA, 2020, using ÖAW materials: Relevant pages of the CD Booklet for the "Series 10: The Collection of Father Franz Mayr Zulu Recordings 1908", published in 2006. To view the full booklet click the link in the Associated materials field below.]

Ihubo lempi: war-dance [song] Three-part singing by three grown-up girls, lyrics transcript and translation

[Source - Benathi Marufu for FHYA, 2020, using ÖAW materials: Relevant pages of the CD Booklet for the "Series 10: The Collection of Father Franz Mayr Zulu Recordings 1908", published in 2006. To view the full booklet click the link in the Associated materials field below.]

Ihubo lempi: war-dance song Three-part singing by Tshingwayo, Nogwaja and Nomhoyi, lyrics transcript and translation

[Source - Benathi Marufu for FHYA, 2020, using ÖAW materials: Relevant pages of the CD Booklet for the "Series 10: The Collection of Father Franz Mayr Zulu Recordings 1908", published in 2006. To view the full booklet click the link in the Associated materials field below.]

Ihubo lempi: war-dance song Three-part singing by Tshingwayo, Nogwaja and Nomhoyi, lyrics transcript and translation

[Source - Benathi Marufu for FHYA, 2020, using ÖAW materials: Relevant pages of the CD Booklet for the "Series 10: The Collection of Father Franz Mayr Zulu Recordings 1908", published in 2006. To view the full booklet click the link in the Associated materials field below.]

Ihubo lempi: war-dance song Two-part singing by Tshingwayo and Nomhoyi (men), lyrics transcript and translation

[Source - Benathi Marufu for FHYA, 2020, using ÖAW materials: Relevant pages of the CD Booklet for the "Series 10: The Collection of Father Franz Mayr Zulu Recordings 1908", published in 2006. To view the full booklet click the link in the Associated materials field below.]

Ihubo lenkosi (Cetshwayo): chieftain's song [addressed to chieftain Cetshwayo] Sung by Pakati, lyrics transcript and translation

[Source - Benathi Marufu for FHYA, 2020, using ÖAW materials: Relevant pages of the CD Booklet for the "Series 10: The Collection of Father Franz Mayr Zulu Recordings 1908", published in 2006. To view the full booklet click the link in the Associated materials field below.]

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