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Seulement les descriptions de haut niveau KwaZulu-Natal Museum (KZNM) KwaZulu-Natal Museum (KZNM)
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FHYA curation of a selection from the Archaeological Collections at the KwaZulu-Natal Museum

  • Selection
  • 2016 -

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2018, using material provided by eThembeni Cultural Heritage Management: The items in the Archaeological Collections at the KwaZulu-Natal Museum relate to excavations at the uMgungundlovu archaeological site by Tim Maggs in 1973; by Martin Hall in 1975 and 1978; by John Parkington, Cedric Poggenpoel and Mike Cronin in 1975; and by Oliver Davies in 1978.

eThembeni Cultural Heritage Management used record cards held at the museum, which they checked against the contents of each box and supplied the FHYA with a full inventory. The FHYA then made a selection of items for digitisation from this inventory and commissioned eThembeni to: digitise the full paper-based archive including all museum record cards; photograph all small finds and all notable items not classified as small finds; as well as to provide photographs of single sorting tray of the contents of each box classified as “diagnostic material”; and one photograph of a single sorting tray from one box out of the series of boxes containing each type of undiagnostic material. They were also commissioned to photograph all the museum boxes and labels pertinent to the above selection.

The FHYA has arranged this material into ‘series’ which are named after the primary excavator, and then into further ‘subseries’ which are named after the year in which the material was accessioned. Within these ‘subseries’ are ‘files’ containing digital ‘items’ which consist of collection boxes and their contents.]