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Five Hundred Year Archive (FHYA) Documento
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2 resultados com objetos digitais Mostrar resultados com objetos digitais

Mkotana ka Zulu - Interview and associated items

[Source - Carolyn Hamilton for FHYA, 2019: File contains a placeholder for photocopies of James Stuart's handwritten notes of his conversations with Mkotana ka Zulu, with handwritten annotations by John Wright; the version published in an edited volume by Colin de B. Webb and John Wright; a placeholder for the Mkotana ka Zulu, Hyperlinked Archival Research Tool; the Killie Campbell African Library's James Stuart Papers inventory; and John Wright's summary of the James Stuart Papers.]

Mtshapi ka Noradu - Interview and associated items

[Source - Carolyn Hamilton for FHYA, 2019: File contains a placeholder for photocopies of James Stuart's handwritten notes of his conversations with Mtshapi ka Noradu, with handwritten annotations by John Wright; the version published in an edited volume by Colin de B. Webb and John Wright; a placeholder for the Mtshapi ka Noradu, Hyperlinked Archival Research Tool; the Killie Campbell African Library's James Stuart Papers inventory; and John Wright's summary of the James Stuart Papers.]

Mtshayankomo ka Magolwana - Interview and associated items

[Source - Carolyn Hamilton for FHYA, 2019: File contains a placeholder for photocopies of James Stuart's handwritten notes of his conversations with Mtshayankomo ka Magolwana, with handwritten annotations by John Wright; the version published in an edited volume by Colin de B. Webb and John Wright; a placeholder for the Mtshayankomo ka Magolwana, Hyperlinked Archival Research Tool; the Killie Campbell African Library's James Stuart Papers inventory; and John Wright's summary of the James Stuart Papers.]

Mtshebwe ka Magaye - Interview and associated items

[Source - Carolyn Hamilton for FHYA, 2019: File contains a placeholder for photocopies of James Stuart's handwritten notes of his conversations with Mtshebwe ka Magaye, with handwritten annotations by John Wright; the version published in an edited volume by Colin de B. Webb and John Wright; a placeholder for the Mtshebwe ka Magaye, Hyperlinked Archival Research Tool; the Killie Campbell African Library's James Stuart Papers inventory; and John Wright's summary of the James Stuart Papers.]

Mvayisa ka Tshingili - Interview and associated items

[Source - Carolyn Hamilton for FHYA, 2019: File contains a placeholder for photocopies of James Stuart's handwritten notes of his conversations with Mvayisa ka Tshingili, with handwritten annotations by John Wright; the version published in an edited volume by Colin de B. Webb and John Wright; a placeholder for the Mvayisa ka Tshingili, Hyperlinked Archival Research Tool; the Killie Campbell African Library's James Stuart Papers inventory; and John Wright's summary of the James Stuart Papers.]

Mzukele ka Kuni - Interview and associated items

[Source - Carolyn Hamilton for FHYA, 2019: File contains a placeholder for photocopies of James Stuart's handwritten notes of his conversations with Mzukele ka Kuni, with handwritten annotations by John Wright; the version published in an edited volume by Colin de B. Webb and John Wright; a placeholder for the Mzukele ka Kuni, Hyperlinked Archival Research Tool; the Killie Campbell African Library's James Stuart Papers inventory; and John Wright's summary of the James Stuart Papers.]

Ngabiyana ka Biji and Masana ka Sigqulela - Interview and associated items

[Source - Carolyn Hamilton for FHYA, 2019: File contains a placeholder for photocopies of James Stuart's handwritten notes of his conversations with Ngabiyana ka Biji and Masana ka Sigqulela, with handwritten annotations by John Wright; the version published in an edited volume by Colin de B. Webb and John Wright; a placeholder for the Ngabiyana ka Biji and Masana ka Sigqulela, Hyperlinked Archival Research Tool; the Killie Campbell African Library's James Stuart Papers inventory; and John Wright's summary of the James Stuart Papers.]

Nhlamba - Interview and associated items

[Source - Carolyn Hamilton for FHYA, 2019: File contains a placeholder for photocopies of James Stuart's handwritten notes of his conversations with Nhlamba, with handwritten annotations by John Wright; the version published in an edited volume by Colin de B. Webb and John Wright; a placeholder for the Nhlamba, Hyperlinked Archival Research Tool; the Killie Campbell African Library's James Stuart Papers inventory; and John Wright's summary of the James Stuart Papers.]

Nkuku ka Cangasa - Interview and associated items

[Source - Carolyn Hamilton for FHYA, 2019: File contains a placeholder for photocopies of James Stuart's handwritten notes of his conversations with Nkuku ka Cangasa, with handwritten annotations by John Wright; the version published in an edited volume by Colin de B. Webb and John Wright; a placeholder for the Nkuku ka Cangasa, Hyperlinked Archival Research Tool; the Killie Campbell African Library's James Stuart Papers inventory; and John Wright's summary of the James Stuart Papers.]

Nsuze ka Mfelafuti - Interview and associated items

[Source - Carolyn Hamilton for FHYA, 2019: File contains a placeholder for photocopies of James Stuart's handwritten notes of his conversations with Nsuze ka Mfelafuti, with handwritten annotations by John Wright; the version published in an edited volume by Colin de B. Webb and John Wright; a placeholder for the Nsuze ka Mfelafuti, Hyperlinked Archival Research Tool; the Killie Campbell African Library's James Stuart Papers inventory; and John Wright's summary of the James Stuart Papers.]

Nungu ka Matshobana - Interview and associated items

[Source - Carolyn Hamilton for FHYA, 2019: File contains a placeholder for photocopies of James Stuart's handwritten notes of his conversations with Nungu ka Matshobana, with handwritten annotations by John Wright; the version published in an edited volume by Colin de B. Webb and John Wright; a placeholder for the Nungu ka Matshobana, Hyperlinked Archival Research Tool; the Killie Campbell African Library's James Stuart Papers inventory; and John Wright's summary of the James Stuart Papers.]

Riddell, Mr - Interview and associated items

[Source - Carolyn Hamilton for FHYA, 2019: File contains a placeholder for photocopies of James Stuart's handwritten notes of his conversations with Riddell, Mr, with handwritten annotations by John Wright; the version published in an edited volume by Colin de B. Webb and John Wright; a placeholder for the Riddell, Mr, Hyperlinked Archival Research Tool; the Killie Campbell African Library's James Stuart Papers inventory; and John Wright's summary of the James Stuart Papers.]

Royston, JR - Interview and associated items

[Source - Carolyn Hamilton for FHYA, 2019: File contains a placeholder for photocopies of James Stuart's handwritten notes of his conversations with Royston, JR, with handwritten annotations by John Wright; the version published in an edited volume by Colin de B. Webb and John Wright; a placeholder for the Royston, JR, Hyperlinked Archival Research Tool; the Killie Campbell African Library's James Stuart Papers inventory; and John Wright's summary of the James Stuart Papers.]

Samuelson, SO - Interview and associated items

[Source - Carolyn Hamilton for FHYA, 2019: File contains a placeholder for photocopies of James Stuart's handwritten notes of his conversations with Samuelson, SO, with handwritten annotations by John Wright; the version published in an edited volume by Colin de B. Webb and John Wright; a placeholder for the Samuelson, SO, Hyperlinked Archival Research Tool; the Killie Campbell African Library's James Stuart Papers inventory; and John Wright's summary of the James Stuart Papers.]

Shepstone, Rupert - Interview and associated items

[Source - Carolyn Hamilton for FHYA, 2019: File contains a placeholder for photocopies of James Stuart's handwritten notes of his conversations with Shepstone, Rupert, with handwritten annotations by John Wright; the version published in an edited volume by Colin de B. Webb and John Wright; a placeholder for the Shepstone, Rupert, Hyperlinked Archival Research Tool; the Killie Campbell African Library's James Stuart Papers inventory; and John Wright's summary of the James Stuart Papers.]

Sisekelo - Interview and associated items

[Source - Carolyn Hamilton for FHYA, 2019: File contains a placeholder for photocopies of James Stuart's handwritten notes of his conversations with Sisekelo, with handwritten annotations by John Wright; the version published in an edited volume by Colin de B. Webb and John Wright; a placeholder for the Sisekelo, Hyperlinked Archival Research Tool; the Killie Campbell African Library's James Stuart Papers inventory; and John Wright's summary of the James Stuart Papers.]

Sojuba - Interview and associated items

[Source - Carolyn Hamilton for FHYA, 2019: File contains a placeholder for photocopies of James Stuart's handwritten notes of his conversations with Sojuba, with handwritten annotations by John Wright; the version published in an edited volume by Colin de B. Webb and John Wright; a placeholder for the Sojuba, Hyperlinked Archival Research Tool; the Killie Campbell African Library's James Stuart Papers inventory; and John Wright's summary of the James Stuart Papers.]

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