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Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) Dossier
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(Ndabambi Kunene) and two women (Mdhladhlozi and Makaya) - lhubo lokusina: old dance Three-part singing by one man (Ndabambi Kunene) and two women (Mdhladhlozi and Makaya), sound recording and associated items

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2018: File contains digital reproduction of audio extracted from CD2 of the "Series 10: The Collection of Father Franz Mayr Zulu Recordings 1908", originally recorded on wax cylinders and classified by OAW using Mayr's notes as "lhubo lokusina: old dance Three-part singing by one man (Ndabambi Kunene) and two women (Mdhladhlozi and Makaya)"; digitized CD booklet; handwritten protocols, music notation, and lyrics transcript and translation, extracted from data CD]

Maria Gertrude Mkize - [Song] Sung by Maria Gertrude Mkize, sound recording and associated items

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2018: File contains digital reproduction of audio extracted from CD2 of the "Series 10: The Collection of Father Franz Mayr Zulu Recordings 1908", originally recorded on wax cylinders and classified by OAW using Mayr's notes as "[Song] Sung by Maria Gertrude Mkize"; digitized CD booklet; handwritten protocols, music notation, and lyrics transcript and translation, extracted from data CD]

Baca girls - a) religious song b) extempore speech Sung by a Baca girl, spoken by two Baca girls, sound recording and associated items

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2018: File contains digital reproduction of audio extracted from CD2 of the "Series 10: The Collection of Father Franz Mayr Zulu Recordings 1908", originally recorded on wax cylinders and classified by OAW using Mayr's notes as "a) religious song b) extempore speech Sung by a Baca girl, spoken by two Baca girls"; digitized CD booklet; handwritten protocols, music notation, and lyrics transcript and translation, extracted from data CD]

Unknown female vocalists - Hymn Descants, sung by the same girls [as in Ph 1761; accompanied by a reed organ], sound recording and associated items

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2018: File contains digital reproduction of audio extracted from CD1 of the "Series 10: The Collection of Father Franz Mayr Zulu Recordings 1908", originally recorded on wax cylinders and classified by OAW using Mayr's notes as "Hymn Descants, sung by the same girls [as in Ph 1761; accompanied by a reed organ]"; digitized CD booklet; handwritten protocols, music notation, and lyrics transcript and translation, extracted from data CD]

Unknown female vocalists - Umququmbelo: dance song [of the Christian Zulus] Three-part singing by grown-up girls, recording and associated items

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2018: File contains digital reproduction of audio extracted from CD1 of the "Series 10: The Collection of Father Franz Mayr Zulu Recordings 1908", originally recorded on wax cylinders and classified by OAW using Mayr's notes as "Umququmbelo: dance song [of the Christian Zulus] Three-part singing by grown-up girls"; digitized CD booklet; handwritten protocols, and lyrics transcript and translation, extracted from data CD]

Ts[h]ingwayo and Nomhoyi - Iketo: wedding dance [of the bridegroom's party] Two-part singing by Ts[h]ingwayo and Nomhoyi, sound recording and associated items

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2018: File contains digital reproduction of audio extracted from CD1 of the "Series 10: The Collection of Father Franz Mayr Zulu Recordings 1908", originally recorded on wax cylinders and classified by OAW using Mayr's notes as "Iketo: wedding dance [of the bridegroom's party] Two-part singing by Ts[h]ingwayo and Nomhoyi"; digitized CD booklet; handwritten protocols, and lyrics transcript and translation, extracted from data CD]

Maria Gertrude Mkize - lgama lokusina kwomakoti ekupeleni kwomtshado: wedding song [wedding dance (...?)] Sung by Maria Gertrude Mkize, sound recording and associated items

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2018: File contains digital reproduction of audio extracted from CD1 of the "Series 10: The Collection of Father Franz Mayr Zulu Recordings 1908", originally recorded on wax cylinders and classified by OAW using Mayr's notes as "lgama lokusina kwomakoti ekupeleni kwomtshado: wedding song [wedding dance (...?)] Sung by Maria Gertrude Mkize"; digitized CD booklet; handwritten protocols, and lyrics transcript and translation, extracted from data CD]

Nogwaja and Nomhoyi - lgama lokuzingela: hunting dance Two-part singing by Nogwaja and Nomhoyi, sound recording and associated items

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2018: File contains digital reproduction of audio extracted from CD1 of the "Series 10: The Collection of Father Franz Mayr Zulu Recordings 1908", originally recorded on wax cylinders and classified by OAW using Mayr's notes as "lgama lokuzingela: hunting dance Two-part singing by Nogwaja and Nomhoyi"; digitized CD booklet; handwritten protocols, and lyrics transcript and translation, extracted from data CD]

Pakati - Ihubo lamabuto: war song [literally: song of the warriors] Sung by Pakati, sound recording and associated items

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2018: File contains digital reproduction of audio extracted from CD2 of the "Series 10: The Collection of Father Franz Mayr Zulu Recordings 1908", originally recorded on wax cylinders and classified by OAW using Mayr's notes as "Ihubo lamabuto: war song [literally: song of the warriors] Sung by Pakati"; digitized CD booklet; handwritten protocols, music notation, and lyrics transcript and translation, extracted from data CD]

Unknown female vocalists - Ihubo lempi: war-dance [song] Three-part singing by three grown-up girls, sound recording and associated items

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2018: File contains digital reproduction of audio extracted from CD2 of the "Series 10: The Collection of Father Franz Mayr Zulu Recordings 1908", originally recorded on wax cylinders and classified by OAW using Mayr's notes as "Ihubo lempi: war-dance [song] Three-part singing by three grown-up girls"; digitized CD booklet; handwritten protocols, music notation, and lyrics transcript and translation, extracted from data CD]

Pakati - Ihubo lempi: old war song [war-dance song] Sung by Pakati, sound recording and associated items

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2018: File contains digital reproduction of audio extracted from CD2 of the "Series 10: The Collection of Father Franz Mayr Zulu Recordings 1908", originally recorded on wax cylinders and classified by OAW using Mayr's notes as "Ihubo lempi: old war song [war-dance song] Sung by Pakati"; digitized CD booklet; handwritten protocols, music notation, and lyrics transcript and translation, extracted from data CD]

Pakati - Ihubo lenkosi (Umqundane): chieftain's song [addressed to chieftain Umqundane] Sung by Pakati, sound recording and associated items

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2018: File contains digital reproduction of audio extracted from CD2 of the "Series 10: The Collection of Father Franz Mayr Zulu Recordings 1908", originally recorded on wax cylinders and classified by OAW using Mayr's notes as "Ihubo lenkosi (Umqundane): chieftain's song [addressed to chieftain Umqundane] Sung by Pakati"; digitized CD booklet; handwritten protocols, music notation, and lyrics transcript and translation, extracted from data CD]

Pakati - Ihubo lomkosi: song of the "great feast" Sung by Pakati, sound recording and associated items

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2018: File contains digital reproduction of audio extracted from CD2 of the "Series 10: The Collection of Father Franz Mayr Zulu Recordings 1908", originally recorded on wax cylinders and classified by OAW using Mayr's notes as "Ihubo lomkosi: song of the "great feast" Sung by Pakati"; digitized CD booklet; handwritten protocols, music notation, and lyrics transcript and translation, extracted from data CD]

Unknown female vocalists - Indhlamu yama Baca: nursery song [in Baca dialect] Sung by (two] grown-up girls, sound recording and associated items

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2018: File contains digital reproduction of audio extracted from CD2 of the "Series 10: The Collection of Father Franz Mayr Zulu Recordings 1908", originally recorded on wax cylinders and classified by OAW using Mayr's notes as "Indhlamu yama Baca: nursery song [in Baca dialect] Sung by (two] grown-up girls,"; digitized CD booklet; handwritten protocols, music notation, and lyrics transcript and translation, extracted from data CD]

Unknown female vocalists - Umququmbelo: dance song [of the Christian Zulus] Sung by several girls, sound recording and associated items

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2018: File contains digital reproduction of audio extracted from CD1 of the "Series 10: The Collection of Father Franz Mayr Zulu Recordings 1908", originally recorded on wax cylinders and classified by OAW using Mayr's notes as "Umququmbelo: dance song [of the Christian Zulus] Sung by several girls"; digitized CD booklet; handwritten protocols, and lyrics transcript and translation, extracted from data CD]

Unknown female vocalists - Igama lokusina, isicangu[z]o: wedding dance [introductory dance performed by the bride's party] Three-part singing by grown-up girls, sound recording and associated items

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2018: File contains digital reproduction of audio extracted from CD1 of the "Series 10: The Collection of Father Franz Mayr Zulu Recordings 1908", originally recorded on wax cylinders and classified by OAW using Mayr's notes as "Igama lokusina, isicangu[z]o: wedding dance [introductory dance performed by the bride's party] Three-part singing by grown-up girls"; digitized CD booklet; handwritten protocols, and lyrics transcript and translation, extracted from data CD]

D. Mdhlalose, Maria Theresa Kanyile - Igama lokubonga inyama yesifuba: [dance (...?)], with laughing and shouting Two-part singing by D. Mdhlalose, Maria Theresa Kanyile, sound recording and associated items

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2018: File contains digital reproduction of audio extracted from CD1 of the "Series 10: The Collection of Father Franz Mayr Zulu Recordings 1908", originally recorded on wax cylinders and classified by OAW using Mayr's notes as "Igama lokubonga inyama yesifuba: [dance (...?)], with laughing and shouting Two-part singing by D. Mdhlalose, Maria Theresa Kanyile"; digitized CD booklet; handwritten protocols, and lyrics transcript and translation, extracted from data CD]

Nogwaja and Nomhoyi - Lomtshado, Iketo: old song [bridegroom's party] Two-part singing by Nogwaja and Nomhoyi, sound recording and associated item

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2018: File contains digital reproduction of audio extracted from CD1 of the "Series 10: The Collection of Father Franz Mayr Zulu Recordings 1908", originally recorded on wax cylinders and classified by OAW using Mayr's notes as "Lomtshado, Iketo: old song [bridegroom's party] Two-part singing by Nogwaja and Nomhoyi"; digitized CD booklet; handwritten protocols, and lyrics transcript and translation, extracted from data CD]

Maria Theresa Kanyile and D. Mdhlalose - lgama lokusina [wedding dance] Two-part singing by Maria Theresa Kanyile and D. Mdhlalose Ph 1795B [continuation of missing Ph 1795A], sound recording and associated items

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2018: File contains digital reproduction of audio extracted from CD1 of the "Series 10: The Collection of Father Franz Mayr Zulu Recordings 1908", originally recorded on wax cylinders and classified by OAW using Mayr's notes as "lgama lokusina [wedding dance] Two-part singing by Maria Theresa Kanyile and D. Mdhlalose"; digitized CD booklet; handwritten protocols, and lyrics transcript and translation, extracted from data CD]

Ndabambi Kunene and his wife - Ihubo lamabuto: war song [literally: song of the warriors] Two-part singing by Ndabambi Kunene and his wife, sound recording and associated items

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2018: File contains digital reproduction of audio extracted from CD2 of the "Series 10: The Collection of Father Franz Mayr Zulu Recordings 1908", originally recorded on wax cylinders and classified by OAW using Mayr's notes as "Ihubo lamabuto: war song [literally: song of the warriors] Two-part singing by Ndabambi Kunene and his wife"; digitized CD booklet; handwritten protocols, music notation, and lyrics transcript and translation, extracted from data CD]

Résultats 21 à 40 sur 48