File cover
Letter on Von Luschan measuring heads
Purchases by Haddon in Mombasa
Letter Jemima Bleek to Haddon
Haddon note about Law 14 of 1893 S 52
Ad for Bryant’s Zulu-English Dictionary
Letter Samuelson to Haddon
Note by Haddon
Letter James Stuart to Haddon
Letter to Haddon re ‘types’ of convicts at DeBeers
Letter D. R. Haddon to A. C. Haddon
BAAS Address by Haddon
Ad for Bryant’s Zulu-English Dictionary
Ad for Bryant’s Zulu-English Dictionary
Haddon note about Robert Du Bois
Letter D. R. Haddon to A. C. Haddon
Note J. L. Bleek to Haddon
Newspaper report on BAAS outing to Henley
Letter Grout or Grant to Haddon
Haddon note on ‘Zulu’s’ and the ‘Karoo’