Umququmbelo: dance song [of the Christian Zulus] Four-part singing by grown-up Zulu girls, sound recording
Umququmbelo: dance song [of the Christian Zulus] Three-part singing by grown-up girls, sound recording
Indhlamu: song accompanying ordinary dancing Four-part singing by four grown-up Zulu girls, sound recording
Indhlamu yamaqaba: dance song [ordinary quick dance for amusement without any celebration (...?)] Three-part singing by Ndabambi Kunene, Mdhladhlose and Mamakaye, sound recording
Iketo: wedding dance [of the bridegroom's party] Two-part singing by Ts[h]ingwayo and Nomhoyi, sound recording
Igama lokusina, isicangu[z]o: wedding dance [introductory dance performed by the bride's party] Three-part singing by grown-up girls, sound recording
lgama lokusina kwomakoti ekupeleni kwomtshado: wedding song [wedding dance (...?)] Sung by Maria Gertrude Mkize, sound recording
lgama lokusina [wedding dance] Two-part singing by Maria Theresa Kanyile and D. Mdhlalose Ph 1795B [continuation of missing Ph 1795A], sound recording
Ndabambi Kunene and his wife - Ihubo lamabuto: war song [literally: song of the warriors] Two-part singing by Ndabambi Kunene and his wife, sound recording
Ihubo lamabuto: war song [literally: song of the warriors] Sung by Pakati, sound recording
Ihubo lempi: war [dance] song Two-part singing by Maria Theresa Kanyile and Maria Gertrude Mkize, sound recording
Ihubo lempi: war-dance song Three-part singing by Tshingwayo, Nogwaja and Nomhoyi, sound recording
Ihubo lempi: war-dance [song] Three-part singing by three grown-up girls, sound recording
Ihubo lenkosi lokudumisa inkosi: chieftain's song [...?] Sung by Pakati, sound recording
Ihubo lenkosi (Umqundane): chieftain's song [addressed to chieftain Umqundanex] Sung by Pakati, sound recording
Ihubo lomkosi: song of the "great feast" Two-part singing by Nogwaja and Nomhoyi, sound recording
a) religious song b) extempore speech Sung by a Baca girl, spoken by two Baca girls, sound recording