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Necklet (view 2)

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2020, transcription of KwaZulu-Natal Museum database extracts: Entry in the Accessions Register (Ethnology Book 1) for Accession 616: "Zulu necklet (ulimi)". Next to this Accession is written: "Moved from Nos 48/49 - 3 specimens": Entry in the Accessions Register (Ethnology Book 1) for Accession 48: "Native bead necklet of various patterns". Next to this listing is written: "Cancelled see Nos 616 & 690". Entry in the Accessions Register (Ethnology Book 1) for Accession 49: "Native bead anklet". So Accession Numbers 48, 49, 616 and 690 are entangled in some way (see notes). Entry in the Accessions Register (Ethnology Book 1) for Accession 690: "Zulu necklaces constituting a letter. Zulu name Umampapeni. - not in dictionary [later addition in a different handwriting]. (The idea of the cross was attained from the Red Cross on hospital trains and wagons.)."]

Necklet (view 4)

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2020, transcription of KwaZulu-Natal Museum database extracts: Entry in the Accessions Register (Ethnology Book 1) for Accession 616: "Zulu necklet (ulimi)". Next to this Accession is written: "Moved from Nos 48/49 - 3 specimens": Entry in the Accessions Register (Ethnology Book 1) for Accession 48: "Native bead necklet of various patterns". Next to this listing is written: "Cancelled see Nos 616 & 690". Entry in the Accessions Register (Ethnology Book 1) for Accession 49: "Native bead anklet". So Accession Numbers 48, 49, 616 and 690 are entangled in some way (see notes). Entry in the Accessions Register (Ethnology Book 1) for Accession 690: "Zulu necklaces constituting a letter. Zulu name Umampapeni. - not in dictionary [later addition in a different handwriting]. (The idea of the cross was attained from the Red Cross on hospital trains and wagons.)."]

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