- NU0039888
- Unidad documental simple
- 2016 -
Parte deFHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
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Parte deFHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
Parte deFHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017: File contains organic plant matter identified by Kevin Carnie-Thompson for FHYA using Bews Herbarium material as iNzikane/having No attribution, photographed together with it's accompanying label, catalogue card, 10cm scale bar and a colour reference grid.]
Parte deFHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
Parte deFHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017: File contains organic plant matter identified by Kevin Carnie-Thompson for FHYA using Bews Herbarium material as uMdakane/Apodytes dimidiata, photographed together with it's accompanying label, catalogue card, 10cm scale bar and a colour reference grid.]
Parte deFHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
Parte deFHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017: File contains organic plant matter identified by Kevin Carnie-Thompson for FHYA using Bews Herbarium material as iKumalo/Cassinopsis ilicifolia, photographed together with it's accompanying label, catalogue card, 10cm scale bar and a colour reference grid.]
Parte deFHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
iQabekulu and associated items
Parte deFHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017: File contains organic plant matter identified by Kevin Carnie-Thompson for FHYA using Bews Herbarium material as iQabekulu/Becium obovatum, photographed together with it's accompanying label, catalogue card, 10cm scale bar and a colour reference grid.]
Parte deFHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
uMkipambedu and associated items
Parte deFHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017: File contains organic plant matter identified by Kevin Carnie-Thompson for FHYA using Bews Herbarium material as uMkipambedu/Indigofera arrecta, photographed together with it's accompanying label, catalogue card, 10cm scale bar and a colour reference grid.]
Parte deFHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
iNkondhlwane and associated items
Parte deFHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017: File contains organic plant matter identified by Kevin Carnie-Thompson for FHYA using Bews Herbarium material as iNkondhlwane/Sopubia cana, photographed together with it's accompanying label, catalogue card, 10cm scale bar and a colour reference grid.]
Parte deFHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
Parte deFHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017: File contains organic plant matter identified by Kevin Carnie-Thompson for FHYA using Bews Herbarium material as iSiqunga/Andropogon marginatus, photographed together with it's accompanying label, catalogue card, 10cm scale bar and a colour reference grid.]
Parte deFHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
uMatilika and associated items
Parte deFHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017: File contains organic plant matter identified by Kevin Carnie-Thompson for FHYA using Bews Herbarium material as uMatilika/Rhynchosia caribaea, photographed together with it's accompanying label, catalogue card, 10cm scale bar and a colour reference grid.]
Parte deFHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
Parte deFHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017: File contains organic plant matter identified by Kevin Carnie-Thompson for FHYA using Bews Herbarium material as uVumane/Rhynchosia caribaea, photographed together with it's accompanying label, catalogue card, 10cm scale bar and a colour reference grid.]
Parte deFHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
Parte deFHYA curation of selected Bews Herbarium Ethnobotanical materials
[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2017: File contains organic plant matter identified by Kevin Carnie-Thompson for FHYA using Bews Herbarium material as uMvele/Cliffortia linearifolia, photographed together with it's accompanying label, catalogue card, 10cm scale bar and a colour reference grid.]