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Johannesburg Art Gallery (JAG)
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433 resultados con objetos digitales Muestra los resultados con objetos digitales

Spine of 'JAG Archives: Traditional Collection: Brenthurst Collection: From Lowen Collection: 11/1A VOL 1 10/58; 11/1A VOL 2: Art & Ambiguity. Vol 1: Correspondence Reports 10/58'

[Source - Debra Pryor for FHYA, 2020, using JAG materials: Spine of 'JAG Archives: Traditional Collection: Brenthurst Collection: From Lowen Collection: 11/1A VOL 1 10/58; 11/1A VOL 2: Art & Ambiguity. Vol 1: Correspondence Reports 10/58'. To view the full record click the link in the Associated materials field below.]

Unknown maker - Beadwork and associated items

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2018: File contains objects identified by Nessa Leibhammer using JAG materials as a 'beadwork' acquired by Harry Oppenheimer for the Brenthurst Library from Jonathan Lowen. The Brenthurst Collection is on long term loan to the Johannesburg Art Gallery.

Spine of 'JAG Archives: Traditional Collection: Brenthurst Collection: From Lowen Collection: 11/1A VOL 1 10/58; 11/1A VOL 2: Art & Ambiguity. Vol 1: Correspondence Reports 10/58'

[Source - Debra Pryor for FHYA, 2020, using JAG materials: Spine of 'JAG Archives: Traditional Collection: Brenthurst Collection: From Lowen Collection: 11/1A VOL 1 10/58; 11/1A VOL 2: Art & Ambiguity. Vol 1: Correspondence Reports 10/58'. To view the full record click the link in the Associated materials field below.]

Unknown maker - Beadwork and associated items

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2018: File contains objects identified by Nessa Leibhammer using JAG materials as a 'beadwork' acquired by Harry Oppenheimer for the Brenthurst Library from Jonathan Lowen. The Brenthurst Collection is on long term loan to the Johannesburg Art Gallery.

Spine of 'JAG Archives: Traditional Collection: Brenthurst Collection: From Lowen Collection: 11/1A VOL 1 10/58; 11/1A VOL 2: Art & Ambiguity. Vol 1: Correspondence Reports 10/58'

[Source - Debra Pryor for FHYA, 2020, using JAG materials: Spine of 'JAG Archives: Traditional Collection: Brenthurst Collection: From Lowen Collection: 11/1A VOL 1 10/58; 11/1A VOL 2: Art & Ambiguity. Vol 1: Correspondence Reports 10/58'. To view the full record click the link in the Associated materials field below.]

Unknown maker - Beadwork and associated items

[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2018: File contains objects identified by Nessa Leibhammer using JAG materials as a 'beadwork' acquired by Harry Oppenheimer for the Brenthurst Library from Jonathan Lowen. The Brenthurst Collection is on long term loan to the Johannesburg Art Gallery.

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