Ihubo lenkosi (Umqundane): chieftain's song [addressed to chieftain Umqundanex] Sung by Pakati, lyrics transcript and translation
Isililo and Isibongo si ka Dinizulu: dirge and recited praise poem [addressed to chieftain Dinizulu] Sung by Pakati accompanied by a girl, handwritten protocol
Ihubo lomkosi: song of the "great feast" Two-part singing by Nogwaja and Nomhoyi, sound recording
lhubo lokusina: old dance Three-part singing by one man (Ndabambi Kunene) and two women (Mdhladhlozi and Makaya), handwritten protocol
[Song] Sung by Maria Gertrude Mkize, handwritten protocol
Ihubo lokuzingela [hunting song] Two-part singing by Nogwaja and Nomhoyi, handwritten protocol
Indhlamu yama Baca: nursery song [in Baca dialect] Sung by (two] grown-up girls, handwritten protocol
Indhlamu yama Baca: nursery song [in Baca dialect] Sung by (two] grown-up girls, lyrics transcript and translation
a) religious song b) extempore speech Sung by a Baca girl, spoken by two Baca girls, sound recording
Prayers Spoken by Frida Kunene, sound recording
Prayers Spoken by Frida Kunene, handwritten protocol
Prayers Spoken by Frida Kunene, lyrics transcript and translation
Marian song: Descants, sung by several girls [accompanied by a reed organ], handwritten protocol
Umququmbelo: dance song [of the Christian Zulus] Three-part singing by four grown-up girls, handwritten protocol
Umququmbelo: dance song [of the Christian Zulus] Sung by several girls, handwritten protocol
Umququmbelo: dance song [of the Christian Zulus] Three-part singing by grown-up girls, handwritten protocol
Indhlamu: song accompanying ordinary dancing Four-part singing by four grown-up Zulu girls, lyrics transcript and translation
Indhlamu yamaqaba: dance song [ordinary quick dance for amusement without any celebration (...?)] Three-part singing by Ndabambi Kunene, Mdhladhlose and Mamakaye, handwritten protocol
lgama lokuzingela: hunting song [hunting dance?] Two-part singing by Tshingwayo and Nomhoyi, sound recording
lgama lokuzingela: hunting song [hunting dance?] Two-part singing by Tshingwayo and Nomhoyi, lyrics transcript and translation