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Affichage de 2 résultats

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Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) Sous-série
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Series 10: The Collection of Father Franz Mayr, Zulu Recordings,1908, (Disc 1) and associated materials from the accompanying Data CD

[Source - Debra Pryor for FHYA, 2019: Subseries comprise files which contain digital reproductions of audio originally recorded on wax cylinders, extracted from CD1 of the "Series 10: The Collection of Father Franz Mayr Zulu Recordings 1908", lyrics, transcripts and translations from the CD booklet, and handwritten protocols extracted from data CD.]

Series 10: The Collection of Father Franz Mayr, Zulu Recordings,1908, (Disc 2) and associated materials from the accompanying Data CD

[Source - Debra Pryor for FHYA, 2019: Subseries comprise files which contain digital reproductions of audio originally recorded on wax cylinders, extracted from CD2 of the "Series 10: The Collection of Father Franz Mayr Zulu Recordings 1908", lyrics, transcripts and translations from the CD booklet, and handwritten protocols extracted from data CD.]