Marian song: Descants, sung by several girls [accompanied by a reed organ], sound recording
Hymn Descants, sung by the same girls [as in Ph 1761; accompanied by a reed organ], handwritten protocol
Hymn Descants, sung by the same girls [as in Ph 1761; accompanied by a reed organ], lyrics transcript and translation
Umququmbelo: dance song [of the Christian Zulus] Three-part singing by four grown-up girls, sound recording
Umququmbelo: dance song [of the Christian Zulus] Three-part singing by four grown-up girls, handwritten protocol
Umququmbelo: dance song [of the Christian Zulus] Three-part singing by four grown-up girls, lyrics transcript and translation
Umququmbelo: dance song [of the Christian Zulus] Three-part singing by four grown-up girls, music notation
Umququmbelo: dance song [of the Christian Zulus] Three-part singing by grown-up girls, sound recording
Umququmbelo: dance song [of the Christian Zulus] Three-part singing by grown-up girls, lyrics transcript and translation
Umququmbelo: dance [song of the Christian Zulus] Three descants, sung by grown-up girls, sound recording
Umququmbelo: dance [song of the Christian Zulus] Three descants, sung by grown-up girls, handwritten protocol
Indhlamu yamaqaba: dance song [ordinary quick dance for amusement without any celebration (...?)] Two-part singing by grown-up girls, lyrics transcript and translation
Iketo: wedding dance [of the bridegroom's party] Two-part singing by Ts[h]ingwayo and Nomhoyi, handwritten protocol
Igama lokusina, isicangu[z]o: wedding dance [introductory dance performed by the bride's party] Three-part singing by grown-up girls, handwritten protocol
[Igama lokusina], isicanguzo: wedding dance [introductory dance performed by the bride's party] Two-part singing by Mhladhlozi and Nondhleko [married women], handwritten protocol
Igama lokwendisa [engagement dance] Two-part singing by Frida Kunene and Maria Theresa Kanyile, sound recording
Igama lokwendisa [engagement dance] Two-part singing by Frida Kunene and Maria Theresa Kanyile, lyrics transcript and translation
Igama lokubonga inyama yesifuba: [dance (...?)], with laughing and shouting Two-part singing by D. Mdhlalose, Maria Theresa Kanyile, handwritten protocol
lgama lokusina kwomakoti ekupeleni kwomtshado: wedding song [wedding dance (...?)] Sung by Maria Gertrude Mkize, handwritten protocol
Lomtshado, Iketo: old song [bridegroom's party] Two-part singing by Nogwaja and Nomhoyi, lyrics transcript and translation