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Five Hundred Year Archive (FHYA)
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4700 resultados com objetos digitais Mostrar resultados com objetos digitais

Jaques Acquistion Records

[Source - Debra Pryor for FHYA, 2019, using JAG materials: Contains pages from an Art Gallery Management Committee Meeting dated 1987/03/30, in which the Chairman authorises the purchase of the Jacques collection of 114 neckrests through the Anglo American Centenary Trust. The collection had been on loan to the Africana Museum since 1951.]

Cover of 'Traditional Collection: Horstmann Collection: 14/6B Vol 1: Brodie Collection 14/6C Vol 1'

[Source - Nessa Leibhammer for FHYA, 2017, using JAG materials: Cover of 'Traditional Collection: Horstmann Collection: 14/6B Vol 1: Brodie Collection 14/6C Vol 1'. To view the full record click the link in the Associated materials field below.]

Cover of 'Traditional Collection: Horstmann Collection: 14/6B Vol 1: Brodie Collection 14/6C Vol 1'

[Source - Nessa Leibhammer for FHYA, 2017, using JAG materials: Cover of 'Traditional Collection: Horstmann Collection: 14/6B Vol 1: Brodie Collection 14/6C Vol 1'. To view the full record click the link in the Associated materials field below.]

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