Johannesburg Art Gallery (JAG)

Zone d'identification


Forme autorisée du nom

Johannesburg Art Gallery (JAG)

forme(s) parallèle(s) du nom

Autre(s) forme(s) du nom

  • JAG


  • Municipal

Zone du contact



Adresse physique

Cnr Klein and King George Streets, Joubert Park





Nom du pays

Afrique du Sud

Code postal



+27 (0)11 725 3130




Zone de description


[Source - Debra Pryor for FHYA, 2017, using the Johannesburg Art Gallery Wikipedia page, The Johannesburg Art Gallery is a gallery in Joubert Park in the central business district of Johannesburg, South Africa.

The initial collection was put together by Sir Hugh Lane, and exhibited in London in 1910 before being brought to South Africa. Florence, Lady Phillips, an art collector and wife of mining magnate, Lionel Phillips, established the first gallery collection using funds provided by her husband. Lady Phillips donated her lace collection and arranged for her husband to donate seven oil paintings and a Rodin sculpture to the collection.

The current collection includes works by Auguste Rodin, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Pablo Picasso, Camille Pissarro, Claude Monet, Edgar Degas, Herbert Ward and Henry Moore, and South Africans such as Gerard Sekoto, Walter Battiss, Alexis Preller, Maud Sumner, Sydney Kumalo, Ezrom Legae and Pierneef. It also houses an extensive collection of the work of contemporary local artists.

In the latter part of the twentieth century the gallery began to collect 19th + 20th century objects of material culture from southern Africa.]

Contexte géographique et culturel

Textes de référence

Structure administrative

Gestion des archives courantes et intermédiaires et politiques de collecte



Instruments de recherche, guides et publications

Zone de l'accès

Heures d'ouverture

Conditions d'accès et d'utilisation


Zone des services offerts

Services d'aide à la recherche

Services de reproduction

Espaces publics

Zone du contrôle

Identifiant de la description

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Règles et/ou conventions utilisées


Niveau de détail

Dates de production, de révision et de suppression




Notes de maintenance


Points d'accès

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  • Presse-papier

Contact principal

Cnr Klein and King George Streets, Joubert Park
Johannesburg, Gauteng
ZA 2044