Documento - Manyonyana ka Nsungulo - Interview and associated items

Placeholder for relevant pages from John Wright's annotated photocopies of James Stuart's handwri...Manyonyana ka Nsungulo, Testimony from 'The James Stuart Archive of Recorded Oral Evidence Relati...Placeholder for Manyonyana ka Nsungulo, Hyperlinked Archival Research ToolJames Stuart Papers InventorySummary of the James Stuart Papers

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Manyonyana ka Nsungulo - Interview and associated items

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  • Documento textual

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  • Fonte do título próprio: FHYA using James Stuart's nomenclature

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Âmbito e conteúdo

[Source - Carolyn Hamilton for FHYA, 2019: File contains a placeholder for photocopies of James Stuart's handwritten notes of his conversations with Manyonyana ka Nsungulo, with handwritten annotations by John Wright; the version published in an edited ... »

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Copyright 1979 University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa

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