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- Source du titre propre: FHYA using KZNM materials
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[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2020, transcription of KwaZulu-Natal Museum database extracts: Entry in the Accessions Register (Ethnology Book 1) for Accession 690: "Zulu necklaces constituting a letter. Zulu name Umampapeni. - not in dictionary [later addition in a different handwriting]. (The idea of the cross was attained from the Red Cross on hospital trains and wagons.)." This Accession may be made up of items previously grouped under other Accession Numbers (see notes): Entry in the Accessions Register (Ethnology Book 1) for Accession 616: "Zulu necklet (ulimi)". Entry in the Accessions Register (Ethnology Book 1) for Accession 48: "Native bead necklet of various patterns". Entry in the Accessions Register (Ethnology Book 1) for Accession 49: "Native bead anklet".]
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Creative Commons License: CC BY-NC-ND
Unless otherwise stated the copyright of all material on the FHYA resides with the contributing institution/custodian.
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Note générale
KZNM metadata
[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2016, using KwaZulu Natal Museum Catalogue Card:
Cultural Affinity: Zulu
Provenance: Zululand
Function: Constitutes a letter.
Raw materials: Beads: blue, white, black, red, yellow
Method Obtained: Purchased 1906.
Literature: Annals of the Natal Museum Vol. 1, page 159.]
Note générale
Additional information
[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2020, transcription of KwaZulu-Natal Museum object detail catalogue material:
Collection: Anthropology
Accession #: 00690
Othername: "umampapeni"
Received as: Purchase
Received date: 1906
Catalogued by: Jeremiah Cullingworth
Source: Franz Mayr, possibly
Publication: Ann. Natal Museum Vol 1, pp. 159-165: 'Language of colours amongst the Zulus expressed by their bead-work ornaments; and some general notes on their personal adornments and clothing'. By Franz Mayr, but only 690C is illustrated in this publication (Fig. 2).
Archival history: See notes in the Accession Record.
People: Mayr, Franz
Material: Cat. Card: "Beads: blue, white, black, red, yellow"
Provenance: Zululand]
Note générale
Additional information
[Source - Chloe Rushovich for FHYA, 2020, transcription of KwaZulu-Natal Museum database extracts: Justine Wintjes 04/12/2019: Notes in the Accessions Register suggest that this Accession was created from the ones originally numbered 48 and 49 (comprising 15 specimens and possibly 1 specimen respectively), which were written off in June 1964, and apparently re-found and moved to Accessions 616 (2 but originally recorded as 3 specimens) and 690 (16 specimens) in 1906 (see note next to 616 in the Register). If this scenario is correct though, there is still an unresolved question around the
discrepancy in total number of specimens (18 or 19 across 616 and 690 instead of the ?16 across 48
and 49).
Mayr isn't recorded as the source for Accession no. 690 in the Accessions Register but Object 690C is
illustrated in Mayr's 1906 Annals publication (see refs): and it is plausible he published items he had
collected himself, and may by extension have been the source of the entire original set (16 specimens).
This Accession has been selected as part of the Mayr series by the Five-Hundred Year Archive.]
Identifiant(s) alternatif(s)
Zone du numéro normalisé
Numéro normalisé
Mots-clés - Sujets
Mots-clés - Lieux
Mots-clés - Noms
- Five Hundred Year Archive (FHYA) ()
- KwaZulu-Natal Museum (KZNM) (Conservation)
- Reverend Father Franz Mayr (Collection)
- No attribution ()
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