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Showing 214 results

Archivistische beschrijving
Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW)
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161 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Frida Kunene - Prayers Spoken by Frida Kunene, sound recording and associated items
Frida Kunene - Prayers Spoken by Frida Kunene, sound recording and associated items
Prayers Spoken by Frida Kunene, sound recording
Prayers Spoken by Frida Kunene, sound recording
Prayers Spoken by Frida Kunene, handwritten protocol
Prayers Spoken by Frida Kunene, handwritten protocol
Prayers Spoken by Frida Kunene, lyrics transcript and translation
Prayers Spoken by Frida Kunene, lyrics transcript and translation
Unknown female vocalists - Umququmbelo: dance song [of the Christian Zulus] Three-part singing by four grown-up girls, sound recording and associated items
Unknown female vocalists - Umququmbelo: dance song [of the Christian Zulus] Three-part singing by four grown-up girls, sound recording and associated items
Umququmbelo: dance song [of the Christian Zulus] Three-part singing by four grown-up girls, sound...
Umququmbelo: dance song [of the Christian Zulus] Three-part singing by four grown-up girls, sound recording
Umququmbelo: dance song [of the Christian Zulus] Three-part singing by four grown-up girls, handw...
Umququmbelo: dance song [of the Christian Zulus] Three-part singing by four grown-up girls, handwritten protocol
Umququmbelo: dance song [of the Christian Zulus] Three-part singing by four grown-up girls, lyric...
Umququmbelo: dance song [of the Christian Zulus] Three-part singing by four grown-up girls, lyrics transcript and translation
Umququmbelo: dance song [of the Christian Zulus] Three-part singing by four grown-up girls, music...
Umququmbelo: dance song [of the Christian Zulus] Three-part singing by four grown-up girls, music notation
Umququmbelo: dance song [of the Christian Zulus] Three-part singing by four grown-up girls, handw...
Umququmbelo: dance song [of the Christian Zulus] Three-part singing by four grown-up girls, handwritten protocol
Unknown female vocalists - Umququmbelo: dance song [of the Christian Zulus] Four-part singing by grown-up Zulu girls, sound recording and associated items
Unknown female vocalists - Umququmbelo: dance song [of the Christian Zulus] Four-part singing by grown-up Zulu girls, sound recording and associated items
Umququmbelo: dance song [of the Christian Zulus] Four-part singing by grown-up Zulu girls, sound ...
Umququmbelo: dance song [of the Christian Zulus] Four-part singing by grown-up Zulu girls, sound recording
Umququmbelo: dance song [of the Christian Zulus] Four-part singing by grown-up Zulu girls, handwr...
Umququmbelo: dance song [of the Christian Zulus] Four-part singing by grown-up Zulu girls, handwritten protocol
Umququmbelo: dance song [of the Christian Zulus] Four-part singing by grown-up Zulu girls, handwr...
Umququmbelo: dance song [of the Christian Zulus] Four-part singing by grown-up Zulu girls, handwritten protocol
Umququmbelo: dance song [of the Christian Zulus] Four-part singing by grown-up Zulu girls, lyrics...
Umququmbelo: dance song [of the Christian Zulus] Four-part singing by grown-up Zulu girls, lyrics transcript and translation
Unknown female vocalists - Indhlamu: song accompanying ordinary dancing Four-part singing by four grown-up Zulu girls, recording and associated items
Unknown female vocalists - Indhlamu: song accompanying ordinary dancing Four-part singing by four grown-up Zulu girls, recording and associated items
Indhlamu: song accompanying ordinary dancing Four-part singing by four grown-up Zulu girls, sound...
Indhlamu: song accompanying ordinary dancing Four-part singing by four grown-up Zulu girls, sound recording
Indhlamu: song accompanying ordinary dancing Four-part singing by four grown-up Zulu girls, lyric...
Indhlamu: song accompanying ordinary dancing Four-part singing by four grown-up Zulu girls, lyrics transcript and translation
Indhlamu: song accompanying ordinary dancing Four-part singing by four grown-up Zulu girls, handw...
Indhlamu: song accompanying ordinary dancing Four-part singing by four grown-up Zulu girls, handwritten protocol
Umququmbelo: dance song [of the Christian Zulus] Sung by several girls, lyrics transcript and tra...
Umququmbelo: dance song [of the Christian Zulus] Sung by several girls, lyrics transcript and translation
Resultaten 1 tot 20 van 214